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Pocahontas (Futanari Erotica Fairy Tales Book 11) Read online

Page 4

  The native smiled and played with Rebecca’s red curls for a few moments.

  Pocahontas’s hands moved down Rebecca’s body and cupped her buttocks, pulling the redhead against her.

  In reply, Rebecca put her legs around the mocha skinned woman, letting herself be held. She was pressed hard against the tree, imprisoned between a kind of rock and a kind of hard place.

  Rebecca could feel Pocahontas’s hardness against her inner thighs and it made her shudder, especially when the woman poised it against her opening.

  It didn’t take long for their lovemaking to start. Pocahontas moved back and forth, rocking the two of them, and at first Rebecca was content in remaining still, letting the other woman work. Then she started thrusting back against the native.

  Moans of pleasure escaped from the redhead’s mouth as she tightened her hold around her lover, keeping them close to each other. She buried her mouth in Pocahontas’s shoulder, trying to muffle the sounds her body insisted on releasing.

  Pocahontas remain mostly silent throughout it, as was her habit, but her pleasure shone in her eyes, bright as they were looking at Rebecca.

  Rebecca moaned as the other woman moved deeper inside her, knowing she couldn’t last long.

  What started as Pocahontas’s attempt to make Rebecca relax, turned into something deeper, as it always was when the two let their passion take control.

  Slowly, steadily, they found themselves moving towards an ocean of pleasure and Rebecca tightened around Pocahontas, almost unintendedly, but it was a motion certainly well received by the native, who released a gasp of pleasure.

  The sound made Rebecca smile and she repeated the motion, liking the way the other woman’s eyes brightened with lust and with the promise of pleasure.

  Both women reached their zenith at the same time, and were forced to seek each other’s mouths to muffle the sounds they wanted to release.

  Their kiss only ended when their pleasure had settled somewhat and Pocahontas had stopped her thrusts.

  The native made to retreat, but Rebecca took hold of her and kept them attached for a few more moments, wanting that proximity to last forever. Eventually, she acknowledged it couldn’t and let lover escape her hold, both women turning to fixing their clothes before facing each other again.

  Pocahontas was the first to reach forward with one hand, and when Rebecca accepted it, the dark haired woman pulled her redhead counterpart forward and kissed her.

  It was a soft kiss, tender, their lust sated by their brief encounter, their love not diminished in any way.

  “We should get back.” Rebecca said afterwards. Looking down at her clothes and at the disheveled state of her companion, she continued. “We need to take a bath and I have to change clothes before someone figures out what we were doing.”

  Pocahontas smiled almost mischievously and Rebecca found herself replying in equal terms without meaning to, before she slapped the other woman’s shoulder and started moving towards the house, hearing the brunette chuckle behind her.

  Chapter 5

  A week later Rebecca and her family were standing outside their house, waiting for the chief of the local tribe to arrive.

  The redhead was nervous and she wanted Pocahontas to be beside her, but her mother had put the dark haired woman further away from them, beside the servants.

  Rebecca knew it wasn’t something done with bad intention; her mother didn’t intend any slight with the gesture, but they didn’t know much about native culture, if it would bother the chief to see one of his own people with the Smith’s.

  They couldn’t hide Pocahontas without risking her being found out and instead of possibly facing some awkward questions then, they let her be.

  Rebecca hadn’t stopped shooting looks at her lover, who was serenely watching the proceedings around her.

  Marie caught the direction her daughter’s gaze was wandering in and glared at the other redhead, trying to make her stop.

  Rebecca saw something more in her mother’s gaze, a knowing shine that made her feel the older woman knew the truth of what was happening between her and Pocahontas.

  A moment later she shook her head. She had to be mistaken obviously, her mother wouldn’t condone any kind of sinful activity under her roof, much less from Rebecca herself.

  Nonetheless, the redhead mentally noted she and Pocahontas had to be more careful.

  “I’ve met Chief Powhatan once before.” Anthony whispered, approaching his wife and child. “He seems to be a reasonable man, calm and thoughtful. He speaks our language well. The settlers might have to make some concessions, but I’m sure we’ll have peace at the end of the day.”

  It took a few minutes for riders to be seen approaching, and Rebecca felt her nerves settling in. She shouldn’t have been so nervous, but she couldn’t stop remembering the time she was forced to flee from her home, pursued by native men.

  The redhead breathed out, deeply, and started wrangling her hands.

  Marie saw the signs of nervousness from her daughter’s part and poised one hand on Rebecca’s shoulder, leaning against the younger woman.

  Rebecca turned to her mother with a smile in her face and saw something soften in the other woman.

  In moments, the natives reached the house and stopped a few yards away, looking them up and down.

  One slightly older man, tall and strong, got down from his horse and moved towards Rebecca’s father.

  Anthony smiled and the man replied in kind, the two of them shaking hands. Suddenly, it was as if a weight disappeared from the people’s backs and everyone relaxed.

  Then, before anyone could even open their mouths, Pocahontas moved forward.

  She locked gazes with the chief and after a few moments of silence, he reached forward and embraced her tightly, surprising the non-native people watching.

  Their embrace only lasted moments before they parted, the older man taking Pocahontas’s face into his hands. He spoke then, in his original language, and Rebecca forced herself to bite her lips and ignore her curiosity.

  She didn’t know what was happening, what the man told Pocahontas, what she said in reply. For some reason it made Rebecca very nervous.

  The chief smiled once again before letting his attention move away from Pocahontas. “This is my daughter.” He spoke directly to Rebecca’s father, Anthony’s eyes widening in surprise.

  For one moment, Anthony thanked God he held himself in check back on that first day, when his daughter returned with Pocahontas in tow. He could only imagine what would happen to him and his family if he had done something to the chief’s daughter.

  “I have had the pleasure to meet your daughter in these last few weeks, honored chief.” Anthony relied smoothly, not letting any of his thoughts appear on his countenance. “She saved my daughter when some of your men attacked my home and I have to thank you for that.”

  Thanking the chief and making him remember the reason why Anthony’s daughter was in danger at the same time, Rebecca’s mind pointed out. Her father might deny it, but he had all the skills needed to be a good politician and diplomat, especially because he was a better man than most in those positions.

  The chief, experienced himself in the ways of diplomacy, only nodded and bowed his head, accepting Anthony’s praise and damming without a word.

  Rebecca’s father smiled, shaking his head. “I had no idea she was your daughter, if I had I would have certainly made more of an effort to get to know her.”

  The chief cracked a smile. “It might seem surprising to you that I let my daughter wander as she wishes,” He started, shooting a fond look at the young woman beside him. “But she is a free soul, blessed by the spirits. I trust her to make her own way in life.”

  Surprise had taken hold of Rebecca at first, and then anger, especially as Pocahontas refused to meet her gaze. The dark haired woman must have seen her seeking eye-contact from the corner of her eyes, but she ignored the redhead.

  The Englishwoman didn’t kn
ow what to think. Suddenly there were a thousand emotions warring inside her head, each pushing their way. The first thing bothering her was the fact Pocahontas was the daughter of the local chief and never saw fit to mention it.

  A part of Rebecca’s mind urged her to think rationally. It wasn’t as if the two of them had been able to talk freely to one another, their lack of common language was simply a barrier too large to ignore. Besides, what did it matter if Pocahontas was the chief’s daughter; that would simply make the other woman the closest thing to a princess this side of the ocean, Rebecca should be happy about it.

  But she wasn’t.

  It meant the men who attacked her answered directly to Pocahontas’s father, and even though Pocahontas had nothing to do with the attack, it bothered Rebecca.

  How could she justify sleeping with the daughter of the one indirectly responsible for the attack she suffered? How would she ever to justify it to her parents?

  Rebecca felt confused like she hadn’t in a long time and that, together with a sudden nausea that came upon her, made her stumble.

  Her mother’s hand shot out and steadied her and the younger redhead smiled at the woman’s worried look, before looking around and realizing she had the attention of everyone centered on her.

  “I’m not feeling alright, father.” She said, speaking directly to Anthony. From the corner of her eyes, she could see Pocahontas’s attention had finally turned to her, but a more vicious part of her brain told her to reply in kind and she ignored the other woman. “May I be excused?”

  Anthony looked startled, but nodded after exchanging a look with his wife, granting Rebecca her leave.

  Pocahontas watched her lover move away and knew the redhead was angry.

  She bit her lower lip, considering. Once she realized her father was going to come to negotiate with Rebecca’s, she knew the others would find out who she was and she thought about telling the redhead.

  Rebecca hid nothing from her and Pocahontas wanted to reply in kind, but most of the time she lacked the words to explain herself. It was hard; usually she and Rebecca could communicate without effort, with simple glances and touches, but then something would come up, a matter that dealt with other people and there would be no good way to explain things.

  In the end, Pocahontas decided to not tell Rebecca anything; it wasn’t the most important matter between them after all.

  Now the dark haired woman wondered if she had made a big mistake.

  Anthony and Chief Powhatan continued with their conversation, looking decidedly upbeat, but Pocahontas’s attention wandered away from them, to thoughts of her fiery lover.

  The brunette kept shooting looks at the house’s entrance, wanting nothing else but to go to Rebecca and confront the other woman.

  Eventually, the small group moved towards the building and into Anthony’s study. Pocahontas didn’t waste the chance and let the other people walk in front of her. Once they were out of sight, she turned and moved towards Rebecca’s bedroom.

  The door wasn’t locked and Pocahontas entered easily, finding the redhead leaning against her window, looking outside.

  Rebecca turned at the sound, believing it was her mother coming to check up on her, surprised to find Pocahontas there, after the woman had ignored her.

  They looked at one another and Pocahontas smiled, gently, moving forward at the same time. Rebecca felt her anger vanishing against her will.

  She was forced to smile when Pocahontas stopped a few inches away and took hold of her hand.

  The redhead sighed. She could never stay angry at Pocahontas, not matter how much she might want to. There was something about the mocha skinned woman that soothed her soul, made her feel emotions she never thought possible.

  Rebecca loved the other woman and nothing would ever change that.

  Pocahontas’s touch on Rebecca’s face startled the redhead and she looked into the other woman’s eyes, finding worry for her and something else, something she had come to know since she met Pocahontas – lust.

  “We can’t,” Rebecca answered the woman’s implicit request, shaking her head. “Our parents are downstairs, we can’t risk it.”

  The brunette didn’t care, slowly closing the distance between them and leaning forward.

  Rebecca closed her eyes before Pocahontas’s lips could claim her own.

  She needed to deny her lover, make her stop – it was too dangerous – but the truth was that she didn’t want to.

  The redhead needed to be reassured after what happened downstairs. She didn’t know why her moods were changing so suddenly lately and she didn’t particularly care. Now she just wanted Pocahontas’s arms around her, the woman’s naked figure pushing against hers.

  Rebecca wanted the pleasure only Pocahontas’s touch could bring her and she wanted it as quickly as possible.

  Their kiss deepened, Pocahontas’s hands wandering over Rebecca’s body, the redhead’s buried in the native’s tresses, pulling Pocahontas’s mouth against her own.

  Their motions became hurried and without regards for discovery. Slowly they divested each other of clothing, until their naked bodies were pressed against one another.

  Rebecca couldn’t stop herself from looking down marveling, as always, at the sight of Pocahontas’s male member. The native possessed both sexes and Rebecca had her fun with them, without regards for what most would consider proper.

  Pocahontas touched Rebecca’s chin and pulled her attention back up.

  The redhead smiled at her lover, kissing her again and pulling her towards the bed.

  They fell atop of one another and smiled as they kissed and as their breasts touched one another’s, nipples digging against flesh, Pocahontas’s hardness poking against Rebecca’s inner thighs.

  That was how Rebecca’s mother found them.

  Marie opened the door to her daughter’s bedroom, worried about the younger redhead. Rebecca hadn’t been herself in these last few days, always moody; only Pocahontas calmed her down and the older woman feared she knew why that was.

  She could only hope she was mistaken.

  Unfortunately she wasn’t. When Marie opened her daughter’s door she found a scene she would never consider possible, both younger women in the bed, lost in the pleasure of each other’s touch.

  The gasp that escaped Marie’s mouth didn’t pass unnoticed and both Rebecca and Pocahontas turned to her, their gazes widening, the start of fear appearing in the younger redhead’s eyes.

  Marie remained silent for a few moments, simply taking in the scene on the bed, almost unbelieving. Then her gaze wandered lower and she saw what lay between Pocahontas’s legs.

  Later, Marie would come to regret her reaction, knowing the embarrassment it would bring to her daughter, but in that moment, being faced with something she believed impossible, Marie did the only thing that made sense and screamed.

  Chapter 6

  Rebecca sighed and poised her novel on the stand. She couldn’t focus on anything, not since she was caught in the act with Pocahontas.

  The redhead wondered if her lover was alright, if she faced some kind of punishment imposed by her father, like Rebecca herself was suffering. She doubted it; Chief Powhatan hadn’t seem surprised his daughter was Rebecca’s lover, quite the opposite really.

  The man reacted in mild manner. Only when Anthony’s anger made itself known did he act, and then he apologized to Rebecca’s father and took off with Pocahontas.

  Rebecca hadn’t seen her lover since and missed her terribly.

  A knock on her door made Rebecca perk up. “Enter.” She said, and her mother opened the door, moving almost hesitantly.

  Mother and daughter smiled at one another and Marie came to join the younger redhead on the bed.

  “How’s dad?” Rebecca questioned, worried for her father’s heath despite it all. The older man hadn’t taken things in stride and he spent a couple of days in bed afterwards.

  “Better, but he’s still disappointed with you.�
�� Marie answered, giving her daughter a look that made the younger woman look aside.

  “I didn’t mean for any of this to happen.” Rebecca whispered under her breath.

  “I know, my love, I know.” Marie wrapped one arm around her daughter, trying to offer the comfort she could. The younger woman clutched at her, hard, and Marie held Rebecca as she cried into her shoulder, running a hand though the redhead’s head, caressing her curls.

  Once Rebecca settled down, Marie sighed. “Have you felt any nauseas today?” The older woman asked, looking directly at Rebecca’s face. “Any upsets in your stomach?”

  Rebecca nodded. “I don’t know what’s going on, I never felt anything like it.”

  The older woman sighed again, more drawn out than before. “It’s as I feared.” At Rebecca’s inquiring look she continued. “Pocahontas is more like a man than we realized. You’re with child Rebecca.”

  The younger woman shook her head. “No, it can’t be, that’s impossible.”

  “It appears not.” Marie replied and remained silent afterwards, letting the truth of her words convince her daughter.

  Rebecca’s stupefaction overwhelmed the young woman and she spent minutes lost in thought, wondering how it was possible. Eventually she shook herself out of her trance and looked at her mother, fear like she had never felt before reflected in her eyes.

  “What’s going to happen now?” She questioned, hoping her mother’s wisdom would have some advice for her.

  Unfortunately, the older woman was just as clueless. “I don’t know.”

  They waited several days to tell the truth of the pregnancy to Rebecca’s father, wanting to confirm the fact before springing it on him.

  That day was the first time Anthony visited Rebecca since she was caught with Pocahontas and the man simply looked at her for a few moments, while Rebecca gazed back at him, before he turned and left without a word.

  A tear escaped Rebecca’s eyes afterwards and she wondered if her relationship with her father would ever be what it had been before.

  Things only changed days later, when Chief Powhatan returned with Pocahontas in tow.