The Empress’s New … Rod (Futanari Erotica Fairy Tales Book 15) Read online
The Empress’s New … Rod
Futanari Erotica Fairy Tales, Volume 15
Julie Law
This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.
Web Edition
Copyright ©2017 Julie Law
All Rights Reserved
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Once upon a time, there was a powerful empire ruled by an alluring empress. Most men desired her, and even some women, but none drew her gaze. She had riches untold after all, beauty that made her seem blessed by the gods, and the adoration of her people.
She desired for nothing except one thing: a child.
The empress was lonely, and had long given up on finding someone to love her, someone she could learn to love back. She desired a child very much, however, and looked past her misgivings and laid with the most beautiful men in her country, hoping one of them would be able to grant her wish. None was able to do so, and she stopped trying for a while, very much aware of her failure.
It didn’t take her long to try again, but she did things differently this time. Magic was alive and well in her kingdom, and surely some of the great wizards or witches that lived in it would be able to do something about her problem.
Unfortunately, she discovered most of these great magicians were frauds. Well, maybe not frauds exactly, they had power and she saw it with her own eyes, but they were great at making fireworks and fireballs, and horrid at anything else. There were two or three supposed great healers, but all they managed to do was tell her she would have difficulty conceiving, which wasn’t what she was hoping to hear at all.
And then, one of the most famous witches in the empire was brought to her, and everything changed.
Chapter 1
“Are you certain this is her?” Isolde glanced warily at the supposed witch moving around her throne room, who was seemingly impressed with every shinny bauble in her sight. She couldn’t imagine how the blonde was a witch, but she doubted her advisors would be foolish enough to bring her the wrong woman.
Her seneschal coughed before answering. “It seems she had an accident of some kind a few years ago, your majesty, and since then has been like this…” He gestured at the witch, and Isolde found herself gazing at the woman once more.
She didn’t quite know what to think. The blonde seemed to have vapor inside her head. Isolde was used to being respected by everyone who met her; most were afraid of the power she wielded, and perfectly aware of what she could do to those that displeased her, but the witch in front of her had barely paid her any attention before starting to wander around the throne room.
It galled her, though she couldn’t deny it was amusing. It had been a long time since anyone behaved strangely in front of her. She couldn’t deny it worried her though, that this witch was the one most said would be the one to help her. She wasn’t certain she could trust their word.
“Witch.” She called out, and had to repeat it a couple of times to be heard.
The witch looked at her and then away, continuing her inspection of the throne room, and ignoring the empress.
Isolde grit her teeth very hard.
Fortunately for the blonde, the seneschal knew the look in the empress’s face, and moved before she could act. He approached the witch and grabbed her arm, and then pulled her until they stood before the empress.
The blonde let herself be pulled, just looked at the seneschal and let him lead her, and then glanced at the empress when she started speaking.
“What’s your name, witch?” Isolde tried to contain her mounting anger. It wouldn’t do to punish the only one that could help her before actually doing so. Maybe afterwards, depending on how pleased she was with the solution the witch presented, she would forgive the blonde and let her go.
The other woman grinned, and waved in the empress’s direction. “I’m Daisy.”
Isolde just turned and glared at her seneschal, and he swallowed loudly. She closed her eyes and tried to breathe, deeply, before opening them again and facing the witch. She almost jumped out of her throne when she did so and found the witch’s face inches away from hers.
The seneschal tried to drag the witch back, but she wouldn’t be moved from her study of the empress, and let her eyes move over the woman’s face.
Isolde froze, momentarily. That was a first. She couldn’t remember anyone ever getting in her face, not since she was a child and didn’t command the respect she did nowadays. She opened her mouth to speak, but a finger poking against her cheek made her close it, and her glare became more scathing.
The witch, Daisy, didn’t seem to notice it, however. She kept poking the empress, and mumbling under her breath, almost giving the seneschal a heart attack.
He made to move and stop the witch once more, but Isolde raised a hand and stopped him. She could take a little prodding and touching if the witch came with a solution to help her, no matter how much she didn’t like it. She used the proximity to study the witch.
She was blonde, and pale, her skin light and fair, displaying her origin from one of the northern kingdoms. Isolde almost put one arm beside the witch’s, simply to see how her light mocha skin would compare with the other woman’s, but held back at the last moment, not wanting to encourage the witch’s antics.
She couldn’t deny the witch’s looks made her quite exotic, there weren’t many of her coloring in their lands. The curves the other woman possessed did nothing to detract from her beauty, quite the opposite, they made her seem quite enticing in a way, even if they made her even more exotic. Shani women were slim and athletic, and very few had curves so generous as the ones that adorned the witch.
Isolde was one of those few, though not as voluptuous as the witch, but maybe it wasn’t as strange. In the end, what made her more curvaceous than other women from her empire was the same thing that made sure her skin was a lighter mocha than the one that adorned most of the Shani. Her mother had been from one of the northern kingdoms, a woman her father had fallen for and taken as a wife.
She tried to ignore the knowledge that her mother’s family didn’t have much of a choice in the matter, and that her father had taken her as tribute not to attack her original kingdom, and focused on the witch.
In a way, that made her even more curious about the other woman. Why was she in Shani? Their lands were rich, yes, but so were many others. What would make someone powerful in magic come to her land? And she had no doubt the woman in front of her was powerful, her advisors wouldn’t have brought her forward if she wasn’t.
Isolde bared Daisy’s poking, and her muttering, perfectly aware of her advisor getting more and more frustrated as they went on, but he wouldn’t do anything without her permission, not after she blocked his last attempt. She wasn’t sure if the other woman was already working on her problem after all, doing some kind of examination.
Daisy leaned back and smiled. “You’re pretty.”
Or perhaps the witch was simply addled. Isolde’s hands tightened around her throne, but she retained her composure. It wouldn’t do for her anger to destroy one of the few possibilities to have what she desired.
“Will you be able to grant me what I want?” She spoke out slowly, as if talking to a child, which she figured wasn’t far from the truth. She knew enough to realize Daisy’s behavior wasn’t exactly normal, but if what she was told was correc
t she hadn’t always been like this. So long as her skills hadn’t been affected, Isolde could ignore the blonde’s attitude.
Daisy blinked, then looked around as if making sure the empress was talking to her. “And what do you want?” She seemed nervous all of a sudden.
Isolde breathed deeply and tried to retain her composure, but she wasn’t sure she was completely successful. “I need your help in conceiving a child, witch. Will you be able to help me?”
The blonde’s eyes brightened in understanding. “Oh, that. Sure, I can.”
Her smile could almost be described as blinding, but for some reason that did nothing to abate the sudden dread Isolde felt. There should be no reason to feel like that, the other woman had just promised to help her, but the empress had learned to trust her instincts over the years, and she was sure Daisy’s help wouldn’t be as helpful as she might have wished it to.
Chapter 2
Three weeks after the witch started to ‘help’ her, and Isolde was ready to give up on the whole thing. And take vengeance for the time she lost against the witch’s skin. Three weeks of being forced to follow ridiculous instructions, of having to drink the foulest potions, and having to listen to the inane chatter that escaped the blonde’s mouth, and no progress to be seen.
Not that she expected progress in such short a time, but she also hadn’t expected to be tortured by the witch’s presence, or her words and potions. In most occasions, the blonde only wasted her time, and Isolde was starting to get quite angry about it.
She was empress, she ruled the empire and all of those within it. She wasn’t some experiment to be played with, like Daisy seemed to insist in doing. It was only the other woman’s seemingly innocence, the fact she didn’t actually realize how she was treating the empress, that allowed Isolde to let it pass. She didn’t want to, exactly, she would have punished anyone else that behaved with her as Daisy did, but she needed the witch’s help.
She could always punish the other woman later, if she was dissatisfied with the results.
“Are you certain this will help?” Isolde glared at the concoction in her hand, wincing slightly when she breathed through her nose and smelled it. Was it her, or were the potions getting fouler and fouler with each day that passed?
She glanced at the witch. If it had been anyone else, she would have accused them of trying to poison her, but she doubted the witch would be able to do that, at least purposely. She couldn’t rule out it could happen accidently.
Scrunching her face, Isolde opened her mouth and drank the potion, and struggled not to throw it out almost immediately. “Oh, goddess. What is this?” She wiped her lips, trying to get rid of the last remaining drops still staining them, shaking her head from one side to the other, hoping it would help her get rid of the taste.
It seemed figurative speech was lost on Daisy. “It’s a potion to increase your health and sexual appetite.”
Isolde glared. “You gave me an aphrodisiac?” She didn’t even try to ask how exactly the blonde expected that to help her problem, questioning the witch in such matters only made her end her day with a headache.
“The only manner to conceive a child is by having sex.” The witch said it matter-of-fact, and looked at Isolde as if she was making a great revelation.
The empress had difficulty in not glaring at the other woman. “I know that, and I’ve tried. I have a perfectly healthy sexual drive, I don’t need any help in that matter.” She ignored how her cheeks burned as she spoke, as she spoke so frankly on the matter. She didn’t keep partners for long, no, but in her search for a child she had made an effort to ignore the faults in her partners and enjoy their activities together. It hadn’t helped, obviously, and she remained childless.
Daisy blinked, as if processing the words, and shrugged. “Well, this will help you nonetheless, make you healthier. You should feel its effects over the following days.”
Oh, Isolde felt the effects alright, even if most of the time she would prefer not to. After a couple of days, she couldn’t remain still without shifting her legs and trying to provide some friction on her sex. She barely managed to focus on her duty, and spent the hours daydreaming.
Her advisors, and the servants of the palace, noticed it, there was no way they couldn’t have, but fortunately they didn’t know the cause behind her lack of focus. In the end, she decided to call one of the strongest guards in the palace into her quarters and rode him until she was spent. It helped, and during the next day all returned to normal, but soon after she started feeling the same burning need once more.
Sating her lust was nowhere near as easy the second time, nor the third, and after a while even sex didn’t do much to ease the pressure between her legs, the need that dominated her thoughts.
Isolde tried to ignore it for as long as she could, but eventually the lust grew to be too much, and she had to seek out the witch. She didn’t want to, and didn’t trust Daisy to be able to solve the problem, not after putting her in such a position, but there wasn’t much she could do otherwise.
And if the witch failed to cure her, she would make sure the other woman would never forget her punishment.
Fortunately, no one interrupted her in her way to the witch, and she could enter the laboratory where the other woman had settled herself without any problem. “What have you done?” Was the first thing out of her mouth.
Daisy only blinked at her. “What do you mean?” She blinked again, seemingly confused. She stood beside a cauldron, working on some kind of potion. It was turquoise, and smelled far better than any of those she had forced down Isolde’s throat.
Isolde hated that the confusion was real.
She shook her head and gathered herself, stepping forward. Daisy must have seen something that intimidated her, because she started moving back, retreating from the mocha-skinned woman without really thinking about it. “Your last potion…” Isolde started, then stopped, not quite willing to put into words what the potion was doing to her, hoping Daisy would get the hint.
Unfortunately, the blonde could be quite dense at times. She just looked at Isolde with wide eyes, further angering the empress.
Isolde breathed deeply and strode forward with fury in her eyes, closing the last few inches of empty space between them and pressing against the witch, resisting the urge to throttle her. “Your damned potion is making me mad with lust. Fix it.”
Those words were almost screeched in Daisy’s ears, and the blonde froze for a few moments, before gathering enough focus to move away from the empress, retreating further into the room. Isolde glared at her during the whole time, and Daisy swallowed, starting to realize the precarious position she found herself in.
“I have something that should stop that.” She let out eventually, not quite wanting to turn and take her eyes off Isolde, knowing she would have to, if she wanted to find the potion that would ease the empress’s need. She walked towards the cabinet where she had most of her potions, and started looking for the one she wanted, all the while looking over her shoulder towards the impatient monarch.
That her fear and need of reassurance only made her slower didn’t seem to have entered the blonde’s thoughts, and the empress’s fury grew. She was about to step forward and shake the witch, but the woman released a sound of success and turned to her, extending her a potion.
Isolde looked from the green liquid in the bottle to the witch and back again, and hesitated. With how clumsy the witch was most of the time, she didn’t know if she could trust the woman, but she figured even Daisy wouldn’t be that careless. In the blonde’s eyes, Isolde could see the understanding of what might happen if she failed, and figured fear would have made the other woman focus.
Fortunately, the potion was easier to swallow this time, its flavor far milder than the last potion the witch had given her. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem to do anything to her lust.
She breathed deeply. She needed to give it time, after all the potion that increased her lust had also taken a few d
ays to take hold. She didn’t know what she would do if the cure needed days to settle as well, but at least she could look forward to when it happened.
“Feeling better yet?” Daisy’s hesitant voice intruded on Isolde’s thoughts, and made the empress focus on the blonde. “It should have started to act by now.”
Those words made Isolde glare. “I’m not feeling anything.”
Daisy blinked, then started fidgeting, obviously nervous. Isolde narrowed her eyes even further. If the witch failed her once more…
A sudden heat came upon Isolde and made her breathe deeply, and she almost smiled, thinking she was safe, but then a pulse of something made her heart beat loud in her chest, and she froze.
Daisy mumbled under her breath, loud enough that Isolde could hear her without difficulties. “Hmm, it should have worked already, I don’t know why it’s taking so long. Unless…” She looked at the bottle Isolde still had in her hands, then back to the cabinet where the potion had been and back again, and dread started mounting in her face.
Isolde saw the emotion, she also saw the guilty look Daisy threw her way, but she could do nothing to react, not then. Her blood was pumping through her veins with a strength she had never felt before, her heartbeat was so loud she imagined the witch could hear it, and the tingle between her thighs became unbearable.
After a couple of moments, she gasped loudly and regained control of her motor functions, stumbling back until she could prep herself in the table beside the cauldron, trying to breathe deeply and resist the sheer amount of desire that was inundating her body. She didn’t know what Daisy had done, but whatever it was had increased her lust twofold.
“Oh, no, no, no.”
Daisy’s words barely penetrated Isolde’s mind, and she struggled to focus on them, and to ask. “What did you do?” A part of her amusedly remarked that that must have been the phrase she had repeated more since meeting the witch.