Pocahontas (Futanari Erotica Fairy Tales Book 11) Read online
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Rebecca put her legs around the other woman’s body, entangling their figures.
The cries they both released as they reached a crescendo was something that would never fade from her mind; it was a release from all the tension Rebecca felt, from her fears and doubts.
She couldn’t explain why she let herself be taken in such a manner, but she never regretted it.
It was their first time together and perhaps the most important moment of Rebecca’s life, the turning point, when she realized what and who she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.
Pocahontas kissed Rebecca’s shoulder and face, her thrusts continuing a little past their orgasm, keeping them united for a few more moments.
The redhead felt pleasure like never before, but eventually they winded down.
Rebecca laid back against the margin of that small pond, against the soft earth, her arms and legs around the figure of her savior. Pocahontas let herself be, holding Rebecca for dear life.
The warm water around them cleaned away the proof of their lovemaking.
Rebecca hesitated, not knowing what to do once that pressing need had passed and she looked up at Pocahontas’s face, hoping for a clue. Fortunately, the mocha skinned woman didn’t share her mortification and poised one hand beneath Rebecca’s chin, leaning down to taste the redhead’s lips.
The kiss that followed eased Rebecca’s doubts and she relaxed in Pocahontas’s arms, deciding to forget about everything else for a while and simply enjoy the other woman’s warmth.
They made love several times over the following days, in every chance they got. Part of Rebecca was consternated by it – she was worried about her family and wanted to return to them – the time she spent with Pocahontas, while pleasurable, didn’t help with that.
Rebecca wanted the other woman very much, but she needed to find a way to return home before focusing on her love life.
Fortunately, a week after she found herself lost in the woods, Rebecca started recognizing the area around her.
The woods were tamer, less wild. The animals around them weren’t as numerous and there were felled trees. The signs of civilization were clear as they moved forward and eventually Rebecca recognized the sound of a hammer pounding an anvil.
She looked at her companion – her lover she supposed – with a large smile in her face, seeing another, more contained one spread on the lips of the dark haired woman.
Rebecca started running.
She couldn’t help it; the thought she might be near her home and could be moments away from seeing her parents overrode any other concern, so Rebecca ran, her red hair shifting on the wind as she left the woods and entered a small village.
It didn’t take long for her to identify the village that stood a few miles north of her parent’s mansion, and Rebecca laughed, feeling her fears fade away, her shoulders relaxing while a couple of tears escaped from her eyes.
“Lady Rebecca?” Someone called out, surprised, and the redhead turned her head to see one of her father’s men, looking at her with wonder in his face.
She smiled brightly and nodded, throat too tight to say anything.
As the man shouted out loud in happiness, drawing the attention of everyone around them, Rebecca looked over her shoulder, seeing her lover approach almost hesitantly.
There were a few moments of tension when Pocahontas’s presence was noticed, but Rebecca took care of it, making sure the people knew the other woman had saved her life.
For one moment Rebecca felt everything would be alright.
She was saved and would see her family shortly. Then she looked back, saw her savior and remembered everything that happened between them; she noticed how the mocha colored woman nervously moved around Rebecca’s people, and the redhead feared things wouldn’t be as simple as that.
Chapter 4
“Rebecca,” Anthony shouted as he took her into his arms, embracing his daughter with all of his strength.
The man ran from his house the moment he heard they found his daughter, worried sick for her health. He galloped all the way, running his horse so hard he feared the beast would die.
The young woman only laughed at him, tightening her hold around his body, resting her head on his shoulder. Her father smelled the same he always had, a mix of the fabrics of his clothes and tobacco.
It surprised Rebecca how such a simple thing could reassure her.
Her father leaned back after a few moments, putting his hands on her face and making her look at him. “I was so worried for you …” He paused for a moment and breathed deeply. “I thought I would never see you again.”
Rebecca smiled, almost sadly. “They never hurt me, I ran and ran and they didn’t catch me.”
“Good.” He answered, reaching forward once again to embrace her.
The redhead let him, unable to deny him after worrying for so long, feeling the same reassurance her father felt from the contact.
Eventually they parted and Anthony’s attention moved toward his daughter’s companion. He felt fury at the sight of her; his men told him she saved his daughter, but her people put Rebecca’s life at risk in the first place.
Rebecca knew him well and she must have realized the way his thoughts turned, because she put one of her hands atop of his and looked at him with soft eyes.
Anthony relaxed without meaning to; he could never deny his daughter and he had to admit he owned the dark haired woman a great debt. Besides, he was never a man to give blame to where there was none.
Rebecca’s father sighed and tried to smile at the native who saved his daughter, hoping to keep his motions as gentle as possible.
Some of his earlier anger must have shone through because the young woman hesitated, but Rebecca moved to her and pulled her forward, not leaving her a chance to escape, and introducing Pocahontas to her father.
Knowing something like a hug wouldn’t be appreciated, Anthony put a hand on the woman’s shoulder and squeezed softly, trying to reassure her. Either the gesture or his smiled worked, because the woman smiled in turn and ducked her head.
Anthony laughed and Rebecca accompanied him.
It didn’t take them long to move back towards Rebecca’s house and when they arrived the redhead suffered her mother’s attentions. She hugged the older woman just as tightly as she had done her father.
Rebecca and her mother – Marie – might not always look eye-to-eye on things, but they loved each other very much.
The older woman took Rebecca into her arms and hugged with all of her strength, not caring if she was hurting the younger woman and unable to hide her tears. Rebecca grimaced a little at her mother’s grip but relaxed into the hold, closing her eyes and clutching the other woman.
She had missed her mother terribly.
The two were very similar to one another, with the same build, the same hair and features. Rebecca had her father’s eyes, but the rest belonged to her mother.
“You’ll never worry me like that again, you hear me young lady?” Marie scolded with a smile of happiness.
“I promise.” Rebecca replied, laughing and crying at the same time.
Once again Rebecca’s rescuer was introduced to a member of her family and both young women were ushered inside. They were filthy from the time spent on the woods, and Marie insisted taking a bath be the first thing they did.
It took some convincing from Rebecca for her to be bathed with Pocahontas. She explained the other woman couldn’t understand their language, and probably had never even seen a bathtub, before her mother relented.
It wasn’t the true reason obviously, at least not all of it, but it would allow Rebecca to hide what made Pocahontas different. That it would help the mocha skinned girl relax was a bonus.
Slowly, time went on and weeks passed.
Rebecca spent most of the time with her lover, much to her parents’ chagrin. They understood Rebecca felt indebted to Pocahontas, but they didn’t like to see their daughter spend so much time with who they believed a sava
The redhead knew that her lover wasn’t one, but she didn’t mind her parents thinking so, as long as it kept them mostly away from Pocahontas.
They fact Rebecca’s parents couldn’t communicate with the native didn’t help the image they had of her.
Eventually, Rebecca realized their prejudice would only hinder her in the long term and tried to change their perception, but it wasn’t easy. It didn’t help she was hiding her affair with Pocahontas, but then, knowing about it would only make things worse.
The redhead was certain her father would take drastic action if he discovered what happened between them, what was still happening.
No matter how much Rebecca might want to deny or oppose it, she couldn’t not love the beautiful mocha skinned woman that saved her life. Their affair hadn’t stopped; they spent most nights in each other’s arms and only luck allowed them to pass unnoticed.
Rebecca understood eventually that luck would run out and she would have a big problem in her hands, but she couldn’t deny the other woman. When Pocahontas came to her and started running her hands over the redhead’s body, Rebecca could only surrender.
Over the weeks Pocahontas learned some English, only small phrases and it was a slow-going process.
Rebecca was frustrated because her lover didn’t seem very keen in learning, preferring to pass her time doing other things. More than once their lessons were interrupted when the wandering hands of the dark haired woman chanced upon Rebecca’s body and the redhead didn’t resist the temptation.
If teaching the other woman her language was hard, trying to teach Pocahontas any skills befit of a lady was an exercise in frustration. The woman didn’t like to sew, she ate with her hands, she rode like a man and not sidesaddle as she should and she spent a great deal of time practicing with weapons.
Rebecca knew their inability to instill some kind of civility on the other woman grated at her mother’s nerves, but Rebecca didn’t feel disappointed.
Pocahontas was a free spirt, belonging to a free people. She wouldn’t be caged even by something as subtle as the expectations of society.
Rebecca realized she liked that about the woman.
The redhead knew she made a mistake falling in love with Pocahontas, but it couldn’t be helped. There had not been a choice in the matter, her heart was the one who spoke, and now Rebecca could only ride out the storm until the end.
She feared it wouldn’t take long.
News of more attacks by the natives came for weeks but then slowly stopped. Rebecca didn’t know if that was a good new, or simply the calm before the storm.
For everyone’s sake, she hoped it would be the start of a permanent peace between their peoples.
A few days later that seemed closer than ever.
“… You’re going to do what?” Rebecca asked deadpan, making her father grimace a little.
“They’ve asked me to negotiate with the chief of the local tribe.” Anthony’s voice was hesitant and he looked with dread at his little daughter, knowing she had gotten her temper from her mother and his wife had already said her piece.
“The same tribe that attacked us?” Rebecca asked in the same tone of voice, not hiding her doubts about what her father was proposing.
The older man grimaced again. “From what the chief said to our envoy, those were unsanctioned attacks. Apparently, some of the younger members of the tribe decided to take justice into their hands and attacked. Once the chief found that out, he stopped them immediately.”
Rebecca hesitated. “I don’t know, dad.”
He came forward and took her hands in his. “Have faith in me, little spitfire. If I do this I might be able to stop many deaths, maybe even get enough recognition to think about running for mayor myself.”
The redhead had to admit she preferred seeing her father mayor, than someone like Thomas Calvert, but she worried about him. It was bad enough she had to flee into the forest to escape the natives, even if it led her to meeting Pocahontas. Rebecca didn’t want to see her father suffer, or see him fail – he would blame himself for any lives lost in that case.
A look over her shoulder, towards her savior, who was busy inspecting the bookcase in her father’s study, made Rebecca hesitate for another reason. Peace with the local tribe might make it easier to tell her parents what was going on between her and Pocahontas.
Not enough to make them accept it, obviously, but easier.
Rebecca sighed, loudly. Her father would do what he wished, no matter her opinion and she wouldn’t want to make him worry more than he should about her support. It might distract him at a crucial time.
“Do as you want,” She said and realized her words might be a little more harsh than intended. Before he could open his mouth to reply, she raised a hand and stopped him. “I didn’t mean it like that. I know you might be able to save lives doing this and I understand it, truly. So go, do as you want, but be careful. I don’t want to lose you, ok?”
Her father just nodded and closed the distance between them, putting his arms around her and pulling her tight against him.
Rebecca let herself be held for a few moments and then they parted, the redhead turning on her feet and leaving her father’s study, grabbing her lover’s hand on the way.
They walked in silence for some long moments, Rebecca leading them towards the gardens, her favorite place in the mansion.
“… Worried?” The dark haired woman asked, her tone displaying her doubts about the correct use of the word.
Rebecca smiled gently. “Yes, I am.”
The other woman might not be able to speak English very well, but at least she understood it most of the time. That Pocahontas was an expert in reading Rebecca’s body language helped.
“You understood what my father said, didn’t you? What he intends to do?”
The native woman nodded. “Talk to …” She paused then, uncertain and touched her hand against her chest, twice, meaning that Anthony would talk to her people.
Rebecca nodded. Sometime she marveled at the way the two of them now could communicate with barely an effort. The time they spent together, their camaraderie, the nights spent in each other’s arms. It all led to a proximity Rebecca hadn’t dreamt possible with another person.
She could always tell when the other woman was happy or nervous, when she was sad or when she needed a comforting hand. She was sure Pocahontas could say the same about her.
Rebecca held no secrets for the dark haired woman and they both enjoyed that.
It was that link that lead Pocahontas to take hold of Rebecca’s face and kiss the redhead when they reached the gardens, knowing the Englishwoman was worried about her father.
The redhead relaxed almost immediately, losing herself in Pocahontas’s soft kiss, shuddering as the woman caressed her face.
Rebecca didn’t even worry about the fact someone could see them. Only after they parted did she remember where they were and she looked around, almost frantically, hoping no one was around.
When she confirmed it was so she relaxed again.
Pocahontas raised an eyebrow, knowing Rebecca didn’t want anyone to see them, and reached out with her hand.
The redhead gazed at it for a few moments, before looking questionably at her lover, but when the woman didn’t say anything, she shrugged and took the offered hand, following the mocha skinned woman.
Pocahontas led them to the woods, past the first trees at the edge of the forest and then turned to Rebecca.
Before the redhead could open her mouth to question her lover, she was kissed, far more harshly than before, her breath being robbed by her lover’s enthusiasm.
Rebecca wanted to protest, to resist the other woman’s advances, but part of her needed the closeness, the feeling that came from being held and touched in such an intimate manner.
So the redhead kissed the other woman back, embracing her and deepening their kiss. Rebecca might have been inexperienced at first, but the weeks they spent togethe
r taught her much, and the redhead knew what she wanted now and how to love.
Rebecca’s breath was knocked out of her when her dark haired lover pushed her against a tree, but it didn’t stop her. She held onto Pocahontas with all of her strength, only slackening her grip when the native’s hands started wandering her body.
When hands fell upon her breasts, Rebecca moaned and their kiss heated up even more.
They parted for breath after a bit. The brunette was the first to recuperate and her hands moved even lower on Rebecca’s body, starting to gather the redhead’s skirts.
Rebecca breathed deeply. Her desire was so strong, her need so immediate, that she didn’t protest, although the part of her that was her mother’s daughter wanted to. She was a lady, not some common harlot to be taken against a tree in the woods.
In the end though, desire won out, and Rebecca found herself helping her lover, taking hold of her skirts and pulling them up, while Pocahontas started unlacing her underclothes.
The native glided them down the redhead’s body afterwards and Rebecca shuddered as her nether parts became exposed to the open air.
She looked at the other woman and smiled, seeing how her core drew the dark haired woman’s gaze.
Pocahontas saw the smile and smirked, and started removing her short skirt, the piece of clothing Rebecca’s mother always grumbled about.
Rebecca would never protest about it. She knew perfectly well how easy it was to remove, and she liked how it looked on her lover.
Pocahontas got rid of the garment quickly enough, freeing her hardness.
Rebecca gulped at the sight, unable to understand how she could sheathe the entire thing inside of her as she did so many times. She found herself reaching for it and stopped, only continuing when her lover shot her an expectant look.
The redhead took hold of Pocahontas’s member, fingers circling the flesh, gripping tightly.
Rebecca spent a few moments playing with it, before the brunette stepped forward, pressing her body against Rebecca’s.
The redhead bit her lips, gazing at Pocahontas’s green eyes inches away from her.