Sleeping Beauty (Futanari Erotica Fairy Tales Book 9) Read online
Sleeping Beauty
(Futanari Erotica Fairy Tales #9)
Julie Law
Copyright ©2014
All Rights Reserved
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 1
“Are you sure you want to do this?” King Stefan asked his wife, Fiona, holding her in his arms.
In his opinion what she was proposing was too risky. He cared too much for her and didn’t want anything to happen, but he understood it was her choice in the end – he wouldn’t hold her back.
Fiona kissed his lips, gently, love shinning in her eyes. “I have to, dear. It’s the only way we will be able to have a babe.”
“You don’t know that.” Stefan replied, his hold tightening momentarily. “The physicians might be wrong, or there might be another way. We could even adopt a child.”
“You know our nobles would never respect an heir without royal blood.” The queen’s answer was gentle, but her words were firm.
Fiona didn’t speak of how she wished to be a mother above all, to have a babe quicken within her womb. He knew all of that. If braving the Enchanted Forest was the only way she might be able to make it happen, she would do it with a smile on her face, and Stefan wouldn’t stop her.
Her husband didn’t want her to suffer disappointment, to risk her life, but the truth was she suffered every day without fail, every time she miscarried a little piece of her died with the child.
Fiona wanted a beautiful daughter or a handsome son to spoil and cuddle, but she had nothing, and was reminded of her perceived failure every time she saw a baby.
Stefan sighed but released her. He knew of her fears and desires, and he shared them, but not to the same extent. For him, his wife was the most beautiful woman on the planet, and the fact she hadn’t given him a child didn’t detract from her beauty, or from his love.
Nonetheless, Fiona was stubborn, and wouldn’t be swayed from her course. The only thing he could do was give her his blessing, and hope she would come back soon.
Fiona gave him one last kiss before turning on her feet and climbing into her horse.
Stefan waved at her as she moved away, the stallion swiftly disappearing from view. It wouldn’t take long for Fiona to reach her destination, and the only thing he could do as he watched her go was pray and hope for the best, not knowing if she would return.
Fiona steeled her heart and spurned the horse faster, knowing her dream was within reach.
She was a beautiful woman, with pale skin and high cheek bones, her lips a drop of crimson on an otherwise colorless visage. Her long curly hair almost seemed white at first sight, only becoming blonde when one focused on it, and her blue eyes were as clear as her skin.
Her figure, tall and slim, together with her beauty gave her a royal countenance that no one could deny, and it showed even as she moved through her country’s woods at full speed.
It had been too long since she felt as free as she did on that journey. On the capital there were always expectations weighting on her shoulders, responsibilities, plots and conspiracies, the scorn of others. She was never alone, either accompanied by her handmaidens, or meeting with nobles or artisans. It became too much at times.
Now at least Fiona got to be rid of them for some moments, even as her heart thundered for other reasons. She feared the fairies of the Enchanted Forest wouldn’t be able to help her; she feared the toll they would extract if they could.
She shook her head as she entered the forest itself, feeling her stomach twist. First she needed to find the fairies and discover if they could help, there was no need to worry otherwise. Whatever they asked was of no consequence – she was willing to give up everything to be a mother.
She descended from her horse and started to walk amongst the trees, but she couldn’t help but feel that someone was watching her. A memory surfaced, of tales about the fairies, how they always knew when someone entered their territory, and part of her relaxed, another weight disappearing.
They knew she was there and they would be coming eventually.
In the meanwhile, Fiona moved through the woods, taking in the sights. There were creatures in the Enchanted Forest that she had never seen before, blends of animals that existed in the larger world – like a rabbit mixed with a squirrel. They were playful for the most part, and Fiona smiled as they came to her.
Besides the animals there were other marvelous things: flowers of every color, waterfalls with the clearest water, trees that were shaped into different forms. Fiona was so distracted by it all that she almost missed the woman in front of her.
She paused and let her eyes rove over the fairy’s body – and she was sure the other female was a fairy; normal people didn’t have pink hair.
“What are you doing here, human?” The woman spoke, her voice sibilant, almost echoing around Fiona.
The queen shuddered at it.
The fairy was incredibly alluring, with a pale complexion and an angular face, her chin being sharp to the point of absurdity. Her hair was long, straight and pink, the same shade being reflected in her eyes and lips.
She was tall, her head resting a few inches above Fiona’s own, and so slim that the human queen feared a strong current might take her away.
Fiona shook her head. She needed to focus, to center herself. She needed the fairies’ help, so she should be respectful and demure, and not just because the being in front of her could destroy her with ease.
“I’m Queen Fiona, of the lands adjacent to yours. Might I ask who am I talking with?” She asked with curtsy, bowing her head at the other woman.
The pink haired woman raised an eyebrow, letting her eyes move over Fiona’s figure. The queen squirmed. The fairy’s gaze was too heated for her to stay still, and she feared she had somehow insulted the other woman.
“You may refer to me as Pink.” The fairy replied at last, twirling a strand of her hair in fingers. “It’s just as good a designation as any.”
“Very well, I shall do so. You’re one of the guardians of this forest, am I correct?” Fiona asked.
The pink haired fairy took a long time to reply and then she nodded.
Fiona patiently waited, until she realized the pink haired female wouldn’t say anything else. “I would like to make a deal with you.”
“Oh?” The mention of a deal seemed to animate the other woman, making her focus. Fiona shivered as Pink’s gaze sharpened, feeling some small animal part of her brain telling her to run. “Would you like me to behave as a genie and grant you your wish, is that it?”
“Yes, if you would consent to it.” Fiona replied. She stayed still, trying to be as non-threatening as possible. It wasn’t as if she could do much against the fairy, but the intention was what mattered.
Every tale, every account of fairy interaction with humans spoke about how they were seemingly pulled towards royalty, always playing a part where kings and queens were involved.
Her own ancestors had dealings with the fair folk, and that was what filled her with confidence that she would get what she wanted, even at a price.
Nonetheless she had to be careful with how she spoke.
“And what would I help you with, your majesty? What do you want?”
Fiona closed her eyes, letting the fairy’s voice wash over her. She could feel a pang in her heart, brought by Pink’s question, and she felt a shiver run down her back.
“I want your help to help me conceive. My husband and I have tried for years, but we have unfortunately failed to have a ch
“You believe I can help you with this?”
“If not you,” The blonde replied, looking around her and gesturing. “Surely one of your sisters will make it possible. You are incredibly powerful after all.”
The fairy smirked, letting the human woman gaze at her pointed teeth. “No as meek as you appeared at first, are you, little queen?”
“I am a queen, we are not meek.” Fiona replied seriously, without letting the other woman intimidate her. She had experience at negotiation, and she wouldn’t show such weakness to the fairy, even if she couldn’t completely hide her nervousness.
“I can help you with what you require; you just have to decide the price you are willing to pay.” The fairy replied, assuming a more serious demeanor, almost business-like.
“What do you mean?” The human queen questioned, nervously twirling her thumbs around one another.
“There are many ways in which I can help you conceive.” Pink said, and started to circle the human queen. “The difference between them is the method, and the sacrifice needed for it to happen.”
“Sacrifice?” Fiona asked with a small voice. The fairy’s motions were unnerving her a little. Despite her looks, the fairy wasn’t human and it became obvious in small gestures she made.
Pink was too still, barely breathing, her head tilted at almost inhuman angles. She was the most beautiful woman Fiona had ever seen in her life, with a clear complexion, sensuous lips and big breasts, and yet there was something otherworldly behind that beauty, something wrong.
“You need to let go of something in order to get another in return.” The fairy explained. “Some sacrifices are bigger than others, some are physical, some of the mind. It depends on what you are willing to do.”
Fiona froze, wondering about the fairy’s words. What was she ready to sacrifice for her dream? Not her life obviously – it would be impossible for her to have a child if she was dead, but she realized she was willing to go quite far in her pursue.
She looked at Pink. The other woman was almost ethereal, her steps producing no sound breaking neither leaf nor branch when she made them. It seemed the sunlight was following her around, always illuminating her.
“What would I have to sacrifice for me and my husband to conceive a child?”
“To fulfill such a request, you need to sacrifice the life of one of your subjects, slain by your own hand of course, with the soul given to us in offering.” Pink answered.
It took Fiona’s mind a moment to process the words, so serenely were they uttered, without remorse, without a minimal of compassion, but then she drew back horrified.
Fiona had always been taught all life was sacred, and that she must always protect her people, her subjects. She couldn’t simply discard one of those who relied on her protection, killing them to satisfy her selfish desire.
“Is there any other way?” She asked, her mind wondering about the phrase the fairy uttered, trying to find some loophole, some other alternative.
“In order to create life where there is none death has to occur.” The fairy’s reply was merciless in its objectivity. “For you to conceive a child with your husband, you’ll have to bloody your hands, but there are other solutions.”
Fiona knew the fairy was circling around the subject, drawing her in, leading her to some point, but she couldn’t resist. She could only stall for a bit, looking away from Pink and into the sky, letting the sounds of chirping birds distract her.
“And what is that?” She asked at last, turning back to the fairy.
The reply came from behind her. “You are fertile, we can see your body and the fault of your childless state is not your own.”
Fiona turned to the fairy who spoke. She could be Pink’s twin, only their coloration distinguished them, this fairy having green hair, eyes and lips.
One by one, the surrounding fairies approached and Fiona felt her eyes widening as she took them in. They were all almost carbon copies of one another; besides the pink and green haired fairies, there was red and blue, pale yellow and gold, orange and violet, white and grey, purple and aquamarine.
The human queen pivoted in place, suddenly afraid of the joined fairies, intimidated by them.
“Your husband is the one who wasn’t able to impregnate you.” The white haired fairy continued her sister’s argument. “If you are not ready to sacrifice a life, perhaps you’ll be ready to sacrifice a truth.”
“What do you mean?” Fiona questioned.
“We can help you conceive, we can impregnate you.” Another sister spoke. “The child will have your coloration, your hair, your skin, your lips; no one will ever question its paternity, simply believing she took after her mother. Our magic will make sure of it.”
“Why would I do that?” Fiona was angry at their proposal, but she couldn’t deny out of hand. She needed to understand what they wanted.
“Because it is the only way your husband will have a child without you killing someone.” Pink replied, and her eyes seemed to soften as she spoke to the human queen. “It wouldn’t be his, but no one would ever know it. It wouldn’t hurt him.”
“I’m not a liar.” Fiona replied quietly.
“Are you a murderer?”
Fiona didn’t answer the question – she couldn’t. She looked at the ground and tried to organize her thoughts. She wanted a child more than anything, but would she have the courage to kill someone for that dream? Or would she decide to fool her husband for the rest of her life?
She didn’t know what to do and hesitantly looked at the fairies around her, their figure unnaturally still, gazing back at her. Fiona hugged herself, shivering and not from the cold.
“If I accept what you’re proposing,” She started slowly. “What would I need to do?”
“Just kneel, and let us do the rest.” Pink replied, striding forwards.
Fiona saw lust in her gaze, the first emotion she could easily recognize in the fairy’s eyes. She turned aside, her face burning with a blush, while another shiver crawled up her spine, this one of anticipation.
Part of her screamed at that, how dare she somehow enjoy the thought of betraying her husband, her love, but Fiona couldn’t help it. The fairies were startling in their beauty and in their presence. They were irresistible, especially when they offered what Fiona wanted in a platter.
Slowly the blonde kneeled, her eyes never wavering from Pink’s approaching body. The fairy put her hands on Fiona’s shoulders, pushing her down, until the young queen’s eyes faced the fairy’s groin.
A protest was lodged on Fiona’s throat when she saw the fairy’s clothes come undone, looking almost like leaves falling down from a tree, and Pink’s nude body was revealed. Fiona could only swallow as she gazed at the fairy’s beauty.
Her eyes widened as she saw a cock grow between the fairy’s thighs, and only the hold on her shoulders kept her still. She shot a look at Pink’s face. “What…” She half questioned.
The fairy smirked and released a breathy moan that made Fiona blush all over again. “How did you think you would get pregnant? Did you want us to chant some words and hope a little baby would grow up inside of you?”
The blonde looked aside and didn’t reply.
Pink shifted forward a little.
Fiona saw that the fairy’s curls were just as pink as her hair and resisted the urge to run her hand through them. She was feeling excited despite her reservations, and could feel wetness gathering between her thighs. Pink and her sisters were incredibly beautiful and alluring, and the human female wasn’t immune to their charms.
That Pink’s cock was slowly hardening in front of her didn’t help.
A fairy’s pheromones were powerful enough to make a human desire them, regardless of gender. Now that the pink haired fairy was naked, her scent was messing with Fiona’s head, making the human queen wish to be touched and fucked.
Despite that, Fiona didn’t move as the fairy reached for her. She wanted to resist a little, to show she
cared for her husband and wouldn’t betray him lightly, but the truth was that her attention was all focused on the cock in front of her, in its size and texture. Without quite meaning to she put her hand around it, and started to stroke.
It was softer than she could have imagined, like velvet.
Pink didn’t react visibly at her touch, but Fiona felt the cock hardening further. She saw a drop of pre-cum gather on the tip and she had to use all her willpower to not lean forward and lick it off.
She succeeded, but it was all for naught, because a moment later the pink haired fairy grabbed the cock and pressed it against the queen’s lips, until Fiona had no choice but to taste the fairy’s nectar, her tongue swirling around the head.
Pink’s pre-cum tasted like honey, only better, sweeter and spicier, and Fiona knew she had lost.
That drop made her forget about anything but its taste, and in something like desperation Fiona reached forward and took the fairy’s cock into her mouth, starting to suck.
Fiona moved fast, her head bobbing back and forth, wanting to taste the same flavor again. She desired it more than anything else in that moment; she wanted the pink eyed female to come in her mouth so that she could taste her in full.
Pink let her. She loved how the human’s mouth clutched at her cock, tongue swirling around the heated flesh and licking. Fiona’s hands came to rest on her buttocks and that only made it more pleasurable.
The fairy knew the queen was completely lost in her, and the thought only made her harder.
A glance around showed her sisters were just as aroused as Pink was, their cocks in hand, all of them waiting for a chance to taste the young queen’s charms, to have their cocks licked, or to bury themselves in the blonde woman.
That visual was enough to make the fairy reach her limit and Pink felt her cock starting to throb. With a moan she came and put a hand on the back of Fiona’s head, keeping the woman still, until her seed stopped flowing.
Fiona hadn’t even thought about moving away, her mind lost in the taste of the fairy’s release, her tongue lapping at the fluid. She could feel her sex aching between her thighs, and pressed her legs together, hoping to alleviate some of the need, while her hands clutched Pink’s body.