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Sleeping Beauty (Futanari Erotica Fairy Tales Book 9) Read online

Page 3

  Maud raised an eyebrow when she saw her. Unlike her counterparts, this fairy resided in a large mansion, and Fiona stood still in front of the entrance, waiting for the other woman to speak.

  “Well, well, what have we here?” The fairy spoke with mirth in her voice, opening the door wider, permitting the queen to enter.

  Fiona curtsied before striding forward, decided to be courteous. She needed the fairy’s help after all.

  “Why have you come to me?” Maud asked, her eyes telling Fiona she already knew the answer, but was drawing out the scene out of sheer sadistic glee.

  “I want you to break the curse you’ve cast on my daughter,” Fiona started, voice soft and inviting. “I’m willing to do anything you want in exchange.”

  “Do you think I’m like those little wenches you’ve met before?” The black haired woman questioned with a smile and Fiona looked down, blushing without meaning to as she caught the amusement in the fairy’s face.

  The fairy waited for a response, but once she realized one wasn’t coming she continued. “I’m not going to be swayed simply because you’re an attractive woman, and neither were they.”

  The queen raised her face then. Once Maud had cursed her daughter, Fiona realized there are been more to Aurora’s conception than the fairies had told, and she needed to know what it was.

  She wanted to understand why this was happening, why Aurora had to suffer for her mistakes.

  “Those little fairies that dwindle within the Enchanted Forest only made the deal with you because they sensed an opportunity. They were cursed to be unable to bare children, but they could make some special women carry their spawn, so long as those women did so willingly.” The fairy explained, starting to walk around the human woman.

  Fiona turned with her, always keeping her in sight. She observed the fairy, trying to find out anything that might help her with her objectives.

  “There’s power in royal blood, a kind of magic. It allows fairies to breed with humans.” Maud continued, uncaring of Fiona’s gaze. “So they tricked you, made you believe the other choices their deal presented were far more terrible, and then they seduced you.”

  “Why?” Fiona asked. “I mean, what was so important that they needed to fool me like that? Is having a child so important to them?”

  “They are losing.” The fairy stopped in front of Fiona, looking right into her eyes. “They warred with my people, and they were reduced to almost nothing. They hope to increase their numbers and attack again.”

  “Aurora isn’t a fairy!”

  “Not yet, but she will have a choice eventually, and if she so chooses she can become one, be of the Seelie, one of those that live in deception and illusion, colorful and joyous, even as they stab a dagger in your back.”

  Fiona didn’t waste the chance to dig for more information. “You are not one of them, I take it.”

  “I’m Unseelie.” The fairy replied. “If I want to stab you, I’ll do it looking you in the eyes, and taking great glee in it.”

  Fiona cursed internally, knowing she wouldn’t be able to get the fairy’s help if she continued like this. “My daughter is innocent, she did nothing wrong. It’s unfair she has to pay for someone else’s blame.”

  “You’re right, it is unfair, and she did nothing wrong. You did.”

  The human looked away from the accusing stare Maud cast on her. “Then blame me, make me pay, and save her.”

  “Too late, the curse has been cast and she will suffer it.”

  “There must be a way.” Fiona whispered. “If not to stop the curse, to undo it after it affects her.”

  “Now that might be possible, but why would I want to do something about it? The girl is nothing to me.” The black haired fairy questioned, moving forward and stopping when her face was but an inch away from Fiona’s.

  Fiona turned her gaze away. She could recognize the emotion on the other female’s face – it was lust, and a desire to dominate, to possess, to own.

  “I’ll do whatever you want.” Fiona’s voice was sad and defeated, yet some of the hope she felt shone through. She had been searching for a way to save Aurora for a long time, and maybe now she had found it.

  “I’m sure you will. There are two ways to right an imbalance: you either take something away from the one who has more, or you give something equivalent to the lesser one.” Maud explained, once again circling Fiona. “The Seelie hope to gain a child from their bargain, and as such so will the Unseelie.”

  Fiona shook her head, amused despite it all. She had known from Maud’s gaze that it would come to this. “Then I’ll bare your child.”

  The fairy stopped in front of her and smirked. “Who said I want your child?”

  “But…” Fiona started only to be interrupted by the other woman’s laugh.

  “I don’t want your child; I’ll not take the sloppy seconds of a womb taken by Seelie fairies.” The fairy said with cruelty, running a hand through Fiona’s locks, almost possessively. “I want your daughter’s child; if you wish me to save her, I’ll wake her the day after the curse takes effect, and I’ll fuck her, until her belly swells with my child. That’s the way I’ll save her.”

  Fiona recoiled, but the fairy gripped her hair, and she only gained a few inches of distance between them. She was horrified with the proposed deal, dreading the thought of her beautiful daughter in the hands of the creature in front of her.

  Her first impulse was to attack, hit the fairy in the face, but some more rational part of her mind stopped her. If Fiona failed to gain Maud’s help, Aurora would spend the rest of her life asleep, wasting away from the fairy’s curse.

  No matter how much it cost, she needed to thread carefully, to think.

  “Why her? Why do you want Aurora to bare your child?”

  “Your daughter will be young and beautiful, and she’s my enemies’ child. I can’t tell you how pleasant the thought of defiling a Seelie spawn is to me.”

  Fiona looked away at those words, part of her regretting the deal she had made all those years ago. She also knew she would do it all over again if it meant she would have Aurora – she loved her daughter far too much.

  “I didn’t realize I could make a deal in the behalf of someone else.” She started, trying to gain some insight into the situation, stalling her decision.

  “You’re her mother and you are dealing in her best interest.” The fairy explained with a shrug. “It’s valid enough.”

  “That’s the deal then?” Fiona questioned, resigned. “I’ll accept in Aurora’s behalf and in exchange for her child you’ll save her from her fate?”


  “What?” Fiona asked, alarmed.

  “That is not the deal I propose, the child will simply be the way the imbalance will be rectified.” The fairy explained with glee in her voice. “Why would I have all that trouble to gain nothing, simply return things to what they were?”

  “What else do you want?” The queen asked with her nerves fraying.

  “I’m in need of a maid,” The fairy explained, almost sadistically. “And of a whore. You’ll do quite nicely until the day I impregnate your daughter.”

  “That’s more than a decade away.” Fiona whispered, defeated, not even contemplating denying the fairy’s deal. Aurora was all that mattered, and if her servitude was enough to save her daughter, then so be it. Nonetheless, even she was daunted by the sheer scale of what the fairy proposed.

  Aurora was ten years old and the curse would only affect her when she became twenty-two, twelve years in the future.

  “I think it’s ironic, don’t you?” The fairy murmured at Fiona’s ear, using the queen’s distraction to approach and push against her back. “You let twelve colorful fairies take you to conceive Aurora, now you’ll spend twelve years in my grasp to save her. Coincidences can be amusing like that.”

  A tear leaked from Fiona’s eye. She was defeated and knew it. She couldn’t help but imagine her daughter’s face, how she would
be unable to see Aurora for twelve years, while being used by Maud. In order to save her daughter she would have to abandon her.

  “Do we have a deal?”

  “Yes,” Fiona replied, her voice gaining strength. She wouldn’t let the other female break her; she would do her duty as a mother and make sure Aurora survived. “I accept.”

  “Good, then get on your knees.”

  Maud’s gaze was burning hot and Fiona could only obey, her skin starting to redden as she let herself fall on her knees. She never took her eyes away from the fairy.

  The fairy smiled and let her clothes unravel around her figure, before pooling at her feet.

  Fiona let her gaze run over Maud’s body. It wasn’t time for embarrassment, she had lost her modesty years before in the Enchanted Forest, and it would only amuse the other woman if she showed herself reticent. So she looked at Maud’s cock, seeing the member already hard.

  Maud poised a finger on Fiona’s chin, making the queen look up into the fairy’s eyes.

  “Don’t look away.” Maud said, her face drawn in a rictus of sadistic pleasure. “You’ll have to get very well acquitted with my body. You will be mine for the next few years after all.”

  Fiona didn’t reply – there was no good response to give. She couldn’t provoke Maud, she couldn’t insult her, the only thing she could do was take it, bare what the fairy decided to impose on her and wait for time to do its job.

  A moment later a familiar scent invaded Fiona’s nostrils and she lost herself in recollection. Flashes of the time she spent with the fairies of the Enchanted Forest invaded her mind, of the pleasure she received, of their touches. Fiona could feel some wetness gathering between her thighs at the memories.

  Maud tapped her head and Fiona shook herself off of her contemplation. She looked at the fairy’s eyes once again and then leaned forward, grabbing the semi hard cock into her hand and starting to stroke it.

  Looking down she focused on the cock. During the next moments Maud’s cock was her world, she stroked it until it hardened fully, growing a couple of inches more. Pre-cum gathered on the tip and she reached out with her mouth, pressing her lips against it, giving it a peck.

  Maud moaned at the motion, and again when Fiona’s tongue slipped out of her mouth and licked the cock’s head. Despite Fiona’s obvious reluctance, the human knew what she was doing, and her tongue swirled around the reddened tip, lapping at it, until the fairy’s cock seemed ready to explode.

  The fairy made Fiona retreat then, gripping the queen’s hair with one hand and using it to dominate the blonde. With her other hand, Maud grabbed her own cock and slapped Fiona with it, gently, until the queen looked at the ground in defeat.

  “Open up.” The fairy ordered with a yank after a few moments, and the queen obeyed, momentarily looking up and opening her lips, letting Maud’s cock press against them and enter her mouth.

  Maud controlled their motions. She didn’t let Fiona move of her own volition. She would pull and push the queen, moaning as she felt the wetness of the woman’s mouth surrounding her cock.

  “Use your tongue!” She ordered when Fiona remained aloof, and as punishment she pulled the woman until her entire cock sank into her, remaining there until Fiona gagged with the need to breath.

  They continued like that for a good while.

  It wasn’t only about pleasure; it was about control, about obedience. As Fiona became more and more submissive, Maud relaxed her grip, enjoying as the queen moved back and forth, lips clasped tightly around the hard rod.

  Fiona hated the fact she enjoyed it.

  She hated feeling so debased, but it was too easy to just be commanded, and enjoy. She could feel her nipples hardening and wetness gathering at her core. No matter how much she might want to fool herself, she couldn’t.

  She also knew Maud was enjoying her.

  The fairy’s breathy moans were clue enough, as was the tightening of her legs, and the throbbing of her cock. Fiona didn’t resist and reached out with her hands, running them up and down Maud’s legs. The fairy’s skin was one of the softer things she had touched in her life.

  Her daring excited Maud and the fairy started moving her hips in little thrusts, until it seemed she was fucking Fiona’s face.

  It didn’t take long for them to reach a crescendo, and Fiona only had a moment of warning, a louder sound released from Maud’s lips, before her mouth was full of the fairy’s release. She suckled it like it was ambrosia, tasting and swallowing, until Maud’s cock had nothing more to give her.

  Fiona retreated, letting Maud’s flaccid cock slip from her mouth, and looked demurely at the ground, waiting for the fairy’s cue.

  Maud smiled and raised Fiona’s head, gazing at the queen’s eyes before grabbing her hair once again; using it to pull Fiona in the direction she wanted as if it was a leash.

  Fiona was forced to crawl on her knees until they reached the fairy’s quarters. Before the queen could even think about saying something, Maud picked her up and put her on the bed, displaying a strength that showed just how vulnerable Fiona really was.

  There were no words between; Fiona simply lay there, waiting for the fairy to claim her, knowing she wouldn’t, couldn’t fight her.

  Maud crawled into the bed after the blonde, moving with a decisively inhuman motion, almost spidery. Fiona could only watch her come, until they stood face to face, and Maud’s mouth descended on hers.

  The kiss was hard and relentless; Maud’s tongue invading Fiona’s mouth, playing with her. The fairy retreated momentarily and grasped Fiona’s lower lip between her teeth, pressing slightly simply to scare the other woman.

  When Fiona didn’t react in any way, Maud let it go and moved down the other woman’s body. She ripped Fiona’s clothes apart, and her tongue left trails of saliva for where it passed.

  Maud stopped with her face above Fiona’s sex and pushed the human’s legs apart, displaying her sex. Fiona obeyed without comment, the only sound she released a moan when Maud leaned down and ran her tongue over her nether lips.

  Fiona shuddered and trembled under Maud’s ministrations, feeling the other woman’s tongue playing with her, first running circles around her nether lips, then swirling around her clit.

  Maud focused on the little bundle of nerves, suckling it until Fiona shouted in pleasure. She pressed her hand against the queen’s pussy then, cupping, before running her fingers over queen’s sex until her digits glistened.

  Fiona bit her lips as she felt Maud press those fingers against her entrance, and she moaned as one entered her, her hips rising from the bed before crashing down again.

  She looked up and found Maud’s amused face. The fairy smirked at her and drove that finger in and out of her, their eyes never leaving one another.

  Maud smiled when she saw Fiona’s eyes flutter. She could feel the pussy’s hard grip around her digit, and the trembling of the queen’s body.

  A second finger joined the first and Fiona couldn’t hide her excitement, nor her desire any longer. She started to thrust against Maud’s hand, slowly at first, but gathering speed as the two of them got used to the motion.

  It didn’t take long until Fiona was seeing stars and she came, a scream of pure pleasure rupturing out of her mouth.

  Maud marveled as the human’s sex closed around her fingers, almost as if it was trying to devour them, pulling them further into Fiona’s body.

  The fairy kept her motions for a few moments more, prolonging Fiona’s pleasure, her thumb against the queen’s clit. Once she realized she couldn’t coax more moans out of Fiona’s mouth, she let her fingers slide out of the queen’s pussy and moved up, facing the other woman once again.

  They kissed once more, harder than before and Fiona put her legs around the fairy, imprisoning the two of them against one another. She could feel Maud’s cock against her inner thigh, and she couldn’t hide her desire.

  She needed to feel that hard member moving in and out of her.

  As if
Maud read her thoughts, the fairy grabbed her cock and pointed it against Fiona’s entrance, teasing the queen for a few moments, before thrusting.

  Both women moaned and stopped after the first motion, simply enjoying the contact. Maud ran her fingers though Fiona’s curls for a few moments, before the blonde moaned again and shook her hips.

  Fiona wanted the other woman to get on with it, to push into her. She raised her rear from the bed, trying to move forward, to take Maud’s cock into her body, but the fairy only let the tip of her member penetrate the queen.

  “I’m the one in control.” The fairy hissed.

  Fiona tried to hold herself steady, to not give up, but she failed. She begged until tears leaked from her eyes and only then Maud drove forward, sinking her cock into Fiona’s willing sex.

  The queen arched from the bed, moving against Maud, her motions frantic and hurried. Their lovemaking was a brutal thing, a conjunction of fast and hard movements, as Maud buried herself again and again in Fiona’s cunt.

  Fiona pushed against Maud’s thrusts, until they were screaming out loud. Fiona racked her nails down the fairy’s back, pleasure and pain mixing as one. In reply Maud started moving faster, thrusting harder.

  Maud moaned and felt her cock starting to throb, a sign of her impendent release.

  The tightening of Fiona’s legs around the fairy’s back was enough to put both women on the brink. Maud felt the queen’s pussy closing around her cock, making their motions twice as pleasurable and she couldn’t hold back.

  The fairy came with a scream, releasing her seed inside the other woman, claiming Fiona in full.

  In reply, Fiona closed her arms around Maud, pulling the fairy against her, even as she felt her own orgasm soar.

  Maud thrust once more and stilled, overwhelmed by the sensations, completely spent. Fiona clutched at her, not wanting to release the other female, trying to forget anything but the pleasure she was enjoying.

  It didn’t last, of course.