Rapunzel (Futanari Erotica Fairy Tales) Read online

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  They spoke for hours. Rapunzel learned he was a prince and that he had been adventuring trough the kingdom when he saw her brush her hair and sing while she leaned over the window. He saw her greet the Enchantress when Rapunzel’s mother returned from one of her trips and he heard the older woman call her Rapunzel.

  Rapunzel in turn told him about her life, from her memories as a child walking around from village to village, to her life in the tower, her imprisonment as she found it.

  The prince realized she was a very sheltered and innocent woman, and he couldn’t help but find her striking, the most beautiful woman in the land. He kissed her, and Rapunzel, not understanding what he was doing, kissed him back.

  They separated after a few moments, Rapunzel once again flushed, while the prince grinned at the effect he had on the beautiful woman. They continued talking further, until night started to settle in and the prince decided he had to go.

  He was about to start his climb down when he turned back and came to Rapunzel’s side. He asked her if she wanted to do something fun and naughty.

  Rapunzel, always hoping to annoy her mother and knowing from her books that doing something naughty always annoyed mothers accepted.

  The prince swallowed, having second thoughts for a moment, but then he bade Rapunzel to kneel in front of him. She did so, and he slowly undid his trousers, reached inside and dragged his cock out into the open.

  She looked at it, finding it very similar to the one she had between her legs, but something held her from commenting that out loud.

  The prince reached out with his hand and caressed her hair and asked her to touch his member, to hold it in her hand and stroke it, slowly. She did as he asked, wrapping her hand around his cock and gripping tightly, feeling his warmth. She started to move her hand up and down, making him groan in pleasure, and feeling a quivering between her thighs, a wetness flowing down her leg while her own member hardened.

  He told her to kiss his cock, and Rapunzel leaned forward and touched her lips to its reddened head. He groaned again and she could see as the veins on his cock widened as more blood was pumped into his member. At his urging she kissed him again, and her tongue sneaked out of her mouth to lick his cock’s tip.

  The prince’s hands came to rest on her head, and his hips started moving forward. Rapunzel followed his lead and took his cock into her mouth, marveling at the strange texture of his member and at its salty, musky taste. Her tongue swirled around the member, tasting him, making the prince grab a lock of her hair and fist his hand in it.

  He told her what to do next. Following his instructions, Rapunzel started to slide her mouth over his member, taking his cock further into her mouth, her lips wrapped tightly around it. Her hands moved to cup his scrotum, playing with his balls.

  The prince groaned and his cock twitched in Rapunzel’s wet embrace.

  Rapunzel moved slowly at first, her lack of experience obvious, but soon enough the blonde woman was bobbing her head up and down the prince’s cock, the prick moving in and out of her mouth faster with every moment that passed.

  Rapunzel marveled at what she was doing, instinctively knowing it was a very naughty thing, but she couldn’t stop. So eager was she that she took the cock further than she should and it hit her throat, making her gag.

  The prince loved that and he grasped her head with both of his hands, and started thrusting hard, making Rapunzel hold still with her mouth as open as she could make it, as he fucked her face.

  A few moments after he started Rapunzel heard him groan louder than before, and suddenly she could taste his come, and feel his seed flowing from his prick into her open mouth. She swallowed what she could, as he begged her to, but it was too much and she felt some of it escape her mouth and dribble over her chin.

  The prince moved back a couple of steps after his cock finished spurting its thick substance and he looked at Rapunzel’s stunned face, seeing his seed dirtying her entire face. His cock twitched at the sight, but one look out of the window made him realize he had to leave. He arranged his pants and he moved to climb down, a much easier task than climbing up and possible without Rapunzel’s aid.

  Rapunzel remained on her knees for some time, his flavor still remaining in her mouth ever after she had swallowed the last of him. She felt his seed sticking to her chin and used her hands to clean it, and felt its white texture between her fingers, marveling at what seemed to her to be really thick milk.

  She put her fingers on her mouth and tasted his semen once again, before she got up and went to take a bath.

  She was lying in the warm water when she started thinking about what happened and couldn’t help but flush when she remembered what she had done. She felt her own cock hardening, and for the first time in her life she couldn’t help but touch it and grip her hand around it.

  Seeing its swollen state, Rapunzel wondered about how it would feel to have someone’s lips around it, like hers had been around the prince’s cock. Slowly, Rapunzel moved her hand up and down, her grip tight. She marveled at the feeling of it and moaned in pleasure. Soon she sliding her hands as fast as she could, pumping up and down.

  The stimulation proved too much and Rapunzel soon came, shooting a load of thick white seed from her cock’s head. She closed her eyes while the orgasm shook her body, her chest and breasts heaving with her efforts to breathe.

  When she opened her eyes and saw the white milk she released floating in the water she wondered if it would taste the same as the prince’s. She found that the flavor was different, spicier, and the texture was thicker.

  Resisting the urge to nod off in the warm water, Rapunzel got up and moved unto her bed where sleep took her along shortly.


  The prince returned the next day, and in the days after.

  Rapunzel eagerly waited for him and he longed for her. Their meetings were always the same; the prince would climb the tower with Rapunzel’s help, and they would talk and kiss, and at the moment of goodbye Rapunzel would fall on her knees and pleasure the prince.

  He couldn’t help but feel a guilty about using the innocent girl to obtain pleasure, but any guilt rapidly fled when his eyes fell on Rapunzel’s tight mouth wrapped around his cock.

  Their routine was broken on the day the prince let his guilt get the better of him. Ashamed of how he had behaved the prince decided he would make Rapunzel his wife, and so erase any and all wrongdoing he did to her, even if she hadn’t realized he had done so.

  So he asked Rapunzel in marriage, kneeling before her for the first time.

  The young woman didn’t understand what was happening at first, but once he explained, she jumped at the chance and accepted without hesitation. He smiled, got up and took her in his arms, kissing her with all his fervor. She replied with equal desire and before any of them realized they were atop Rapunzel’s bed and their clothes started to come off.

  Rapunzel was flushing and breathing hard, happy without measure. Slowly her prince took off her upper clothes, baring her breasts to the open air. She saw desire in his eyes, an emotion that before she met him she wouldn’t have been able to identify, and her chest heaved.

  The prince’s eyes followed her breasts all throughout the motion of inhaling and exhaling, his sight focused on the pink peaks that adorned Rapunzel’s beautiful mounds. His mouth descended upon Rapunzel’s nipples, taking the little buds into his mouth, tasting and suckling them.

  Rapunzel moaned and her hands grabbed onto his head, holding him tight to her.

  The prince’s hands wandered down her body, slowly, feeling her stomach and tummy until they arrived at her core. They hovered over her sex and then descended, fully feeling the apex between Rapunzel’s thighs.

  The prince stopped moving. His hand had found Rapunzel’s secret and he froze, trying to understand what exactly was that he was feeling between her legs. Grabbing tightly unto her underclothes, he pulled, hard, and ripped the last thing remaining between his sight and a fully nude Rapunzel.
  What the prince saw between her legs made him pale. He remained still for a few moments, until he flung himself back, away from the bed and away from Rapunzel.

  The blonde woman looked at him hesitantly, noticing his mounting fury, but not understanding why it was so. The prince’s anger didn’t allow him to see Rapunzel’s doubts and so he screamed at her, questioning her about what she was, and why did she deceive him.

  Rapunzel tearfully tried to tell him she didn’t understand why he was upset, and moved close to him, extending her hand to his face while she kept professing her innocence.

  He slapped her hand away, hard, and screamed at her, calling her a demon and a freak. He pushed her and she fell unto the bed, from where she looked at him silently, tears falling down her face.

  The prince gritted his teeth, his anger obvious and dark little thoughts made themselves heard in his mind. He looked at Rapunzel, and realized that although she had a male organ she also sported a woman’s sex, and his method of revenge became clear.

  He advanced upon her, intent of forcing himself on the young woman, when there was a crash. Both the prince and Rapunzel looked at the room’s entrance and froze.

  The Enchantress stood there, her face white from shook, eyes fleeting from the prince to Rapunzel. A moment later she understood what she was looking at, and her features became twisted with wrath.

  The prince raised his hands, trying to appear as non-threatening as possible. He remembered what Rapunzel told him about her mother, and he knew the woman before him was very powerful. Slowly he tried to move towards the window.

  He didn’t get a chance to escape.

  The Enchantress raised her hand and he froze in place, before he slowly rose into the air. He tried to talk to her, first begging and then threatening, identifying himself as a prince, but the Enchantress didn’t care and with a pushing motion she threw him out of the room, through the window and into a fatal crash beneath.

  She turned to Rapunzel afterwards, anger clouding her thoughts, and if not for Rapunzel throwing herself at her and holding her, she didn’t know what she would have done. In response to her daughter’s embrace, The Enchantress froze, but then her arms closed around Rapunzel, and held the younger woman as she hadn’t done in years.

  Rapunzel sobbed into the older woman’s chest, the feeling of heartbreak, and the fear she had felt of the prince unbearable. The Enchantress held her and guided her to the bed, where she slowly and carefully comforted Rapunzel.

  When the girl had calmed down slightly, she questioned her about the prince, careful not to make the other girl’s sadness return anew. Rapunzel told her about how he had called for her, and how he climbed the tower until he managed to come inside her room.

  The Enchantress hands tightened on the bed’s sheets when her daughter told her how the prince fooled her into using her mouth on him, and she regretted having killed him as quickly as she had.

  Rapunzel’s tale finished with the girl telling her mother how the prince asked to marry her, and how they had kissed upon her bed, until he had realized she had a cock between her legs.

  Rapunzel asked her mother why the prince reacted as he did, and the Enchantress froze as sliver of guilt sneaked into her mind, both for the curse that made Rapunzel as she was and for the fact she had never explained to the girl the differences between her and a normal woman.

  Carefully, the Enchantress told Rapunzel about how she was special, how she had something other women didn’t have, and the prince hadn’t been able to see past her differences and love her all the same.

  Rapunzel though about her mother’s words for a moment, and then she questioned the other woman why she was different. When the enchantress didn’t reply, Rapunzel accused her of being like the prince, and feeling disgust because she was different.

  The enchantress denied it, and professed that she always had loved Rapunzel, from the day she was born, but the young woman didn’t believe her, saying that the Enchantress had basically abandoned her, and the prince was the most company she had in years. Rapunzel ripped herself away from her mother’s embrace and crawled further into the bed, as far away from the older woman as she could.

  The Enchantress watched as her adopted daughter moved away, doubt about what she could do creeping into her mind. It was the thought of continued strife between them that made her crawl after Rapunzel.

  Rapunzel shied away when she arrived, but the Enchantress’ hand sneaked faster than Rapunzel’s movement and gripped her daughter’s cock. Rapunzel froze, feeling her mother’s hand close around her sex, and she looked at the older woman, startled.

  The Enchantress smiled at her, sadly, and said that she didn’t care about Rapunzel’s differences. Rapunzel watched her for a moment and then asked her to prove it, gesturing towards her cock which hardened and twitched in the Enchantress grip.

  The Enchantress mouth fell open in startlement at her daughter’s suggestion, but then she realized Rapunzel had no idea of what she was asking. The young woman didn’t understand the taboo she was asking the Enchantress to break, and once again the Enchantress realized her failings as a mother.

  The older woman looked at the rod she was gripping. It was a fairly sized one and strangely smooth, lacking any kind of hair. The blue veins traversing it were easily noticeable, thick as they were with Rapunzel’s blood pumping through them.

  The Enchantress couldn’t help but swallow as she looked at her adopted daughter’s cock, and a memory surfaced from the depths of her mind; a memory of waking up to find her daughter spooning against her, Rapunzel’s cock having somehow found itself lodged between the Enchantress’ legs. She remembered feeling the cock’s warmth between her thighs pressed against her opening, and she remembered the slick feel of her own wetness coating the small cloth that kept her daughter’s cock from touching her aching pussy lips.

  At the time the Enchantress had frozen and remained still for what felt like hours, a sudden surge of lust having almost overpowered her and making her contemplate do something she would have probably regretted.

  Eventually she had shaken those dark thoughts from her mind, and slowly, with trembling legs, she had managed to escape the bed, leaving a sleeping Rapunzel behind.

  Rapunzel had been thirteen.

  It had been from that moment forward that the Enchantress’ relationship with her daughter had soured, when she pushed Rapunzel away, afraid of the emotions the girl had managed to awaken within her. Rapunzel hadn’t understood why the Enchantress did so, and so she started to resent her mother.

  Now the Enchantress looked at her daughter’s cock and wondered. Maybe if she hadn’t pushed her daughter away Rapunzel wouldn’t have been taken advantage of by the prince. Maybe if she had been a better mother and hadn’t imprisoned her daughter, the girl wouldn’t be so easily fooled.

  Slowly the Enchantress leaned down and kissed the top of her daughter’s cock. She didn’t care what anyone else thought, she cared only for Rapunzel’s opinion and, because of her failings, her daughter didn’t believe her when she said she loved her – so the enchantress would show her love, even if it was the kind of love usually reserved for lovers.

  Rapunzel gasped as her mother’s lips grazed her cock, and again when the Enchantress kissed the top of her cock’s head. The older woman poised a hand on Rapunzel’s inner thigh, and used the other to grip the base of her cock, fingers rubbing the erect member even as her mouth closed around its tip.

  Rapunzel gasped non-stop while her mother’s mouth pleasured her. From the first grazing touches of the older woman’s lips, to the point where the Enchantress took Rapunzel’s cock into her mouth and bobbed her head up and down. The girl’s hands had settled behind her mother’s head and she tried to hold her down, much like the prince had done several times to her.

  The Enchantress replied by taking Rapunzel’s cock even deeper into her mouth, feeling her daughter’s cock sliding into her throat as she used the experience she had accumulated over decades no
t to gag.

  Rapunzel moaned loudly in pleasure, only now understanding the depths of the enjoyment she had given the prince.

  A moment later Rapunzel screamed out loud as she achieved her release, unloading her seed down her mother’s mouth and throat, making the older woman struggle to breathe for a few instants, until the Enchantress started swallowing the thick white substance. Rapunzel’s eyes glassed over with pleasure, even as the older woman finished milking the last of her seed.

  The Enchantress raised her head from Rapunzel’s lap, using her sleeve to wipe a small amount of whiteness from her mouth’s corner, before she faced her daughter. Rapunzel seemed listless for a moment, before she shook her head and seemed to regain her focus. She looked directly at the Enchantress.

  The older woman smiled at her and looked down, finding that Rapunzel remained hard even after she used her mouth on the girl’s cock. Surprised, the Enchantress leaned down again, decided to make Rapunzel feel quite satisfied.

  This time she decided to focus her efforts in Rapunzel’s other sex. She gripped the girl’s cock and slowly pumped it, even as her mouth closed over the opening beneath the thick rod, and her tongue slid inside the blonde haired girl.

  Rapunzel gasped, feeling her pussy being pierced for the first time and she couldn’t stop herself from screaming out loud as the Enchantress tasted her. Rapunzel’s hands played with her own breasts, gripping and kneading them as the Enchantress’ mouth pleasured her.

  The older woman swirled her tongue around the girl’s insides, careful to fully taste her, even as her hand kept pumping Rapunzel’s rod. A moment later the Enchantress’ mouth closed over Rapunzel’s clit, a small nub that rested on the base of the girl’s cock, between both of the girl’s sexes.

  Rapunzel came screaming once again, wetness squirting from between her legs and another load from her cock, the white cum hitting the Enchantress, dirtying the woman’s hair and clothes.

  As Rapunzel recuperated from her last orgasm, the Enchantress left the bed and started undressing. When she turned back to her daughter Rapunzel was focused on her, eyes roving over her body, and cock hard, prepared to fuck the Enchantress.