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The Frog Princess (Futanari Erotica Fairy Tales Book 14) Read online

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  The young queen looked away when the other woman caught her gaze and smirked, and she blushed once more. “What’s your name?” The question was an attempt to divert her thoughts more than anything, but it worked, and the other woman stopped smirking.

  “Julian. My name is Julian.”

  “That’s not a female name.” Victoria pointed out, then remembered how the other had said she was a prince.

  “It isn’t, and neither was I until I got turned into a frog.” That might explain how the woman was so comfortable being totally naked in front of Victoria, though perhaps her time as a frog had something to do with it.

  “You were a man?”

  “I am a man.” The other woman said proudly, straightening. That her breasts bounced happily at that only made the scene more surreal, and Victoria swallowed, not quite knowing how to argue.

  She turned away. “I can deal with that later.” She muttered under her breath, starting to walk forward. Julian followed, and she bade her to stop. When the blonde obeyed, Victoria stepped out of the garden and entered the palace, soon finding a guard and ordering him to bring some blankets and clothes.

  He didn’t say anything, just nodded and obeyed. Most guards knew better than to question royalty. When he returned, Victoria thanked him and entered the garden once again, seeking Julian. She found the other woman where she left her, playing with her breasts once more.

  The young queen swallowed and slowed down, appreciating the sight before the other noticed she was there, and then coughed loudly when it appeared Julian wouldn’t get tired of what she, he … she – it was confusing – was doing.

  “Here, dress this.” She ordered, passing a pair of old pants and some kind of shirt to the other woman. Julian obeyed almost immediately, then Victoria gave her the blanket and ordered her to put it around herself. The blonde seemed like she wanted to protest at first, but obeyed much to Victoria’s relief. The shirt had been too tight around the other woman’s breasts, and it became almost indecent.

  The guards looked curiously at the two of them when they entered the palace, but didn’t say anything, and Victoria pulled the other woman to her bedroom, closing the door behind her and sighing. She studied Julian once more and decided there were more pertinent matters to take care of than the blonde’s manners.

  In a short time, she had called for a bath, and a tailor to make Julian new clothes. There was a flurry of activity coming and going from her bedroom, and Victoria knew soon rumors would be going around the palace about her guest, but there was nothing she could do about it.

  It didn’t take long for the man Victoria wanted to see to come to her, sniffing after any secret. Her seneschal liked to be well-informed. “Williams, just the man I wanted to see.” She knew her smile and words unsettled him, but he composed himself quickly enough and bowed.

  “Your majesty, how can I help you?” His eyes quickly moved around her quarters, probably trying to find her guest, but Julian was in the bath being tended by a couple of maids. Victoria had to order her to hide her … rod, telling her to stay in the water and only get out when the maids left her alone.

  “I’ll need you to prepare quarters for my guest, preferably some near to my own.” Something told her she would need to make sure Julian behaved, and the only way to do so was if she was near the other woman.

  He opened his mouth, and Victoria knew his curiousness had overwhelmed him and he was going to question her, but her glare made him still and nod as quickly as he could. “Very well, your majesty. It will be done.” He didn’t see the smile on her lips as he turned around and fled.

  Victoria’s amusement vanished quite quickly after he left, however. She knew he wasn’t the only one curious, she knew others would try to pry into Julian’s past and figure out who she was, and she understood she could never tell the truth if she wanted to be taken seriously.

  The following weeks only proved her right. Every noble and court intriguer tried to find out who Julian was, where she had come from, and what was her relationship with the queen, but no one was able to learn anything she didn’t desire. Victoria couldn’t deny she savored seeing her courtiers scrambling about, trying to find more about the other woman, or listening to the more preposterous rumors, but she understood sooner or later she would need to create some kind of cover for the woman.

  Julian was also amused about it, and proved herself quite adapt at playing with the courtiers that tried to probe her for information. It was something that supported her assertion of being a prince before turning into a frog, but Victoria wasn’t completely sure she could believe the woman about that.

  It was a very lofty tale. She hadn’t tried to question her very deeply yet, and more than once Julian argued she couldn’t remember her past very well, but sooner or later they would need to have a real conversation, and she would need to find out about the other’s past.

  It wasn’t hard to create a cover for Julian. When Victoria deigned to speak about it, she said the other was a childhood friend with whom she exchanged correspondence, from one of their farther allies. Some people surely knew the truth, and that Victoria had never kept correspondence with anyone in other kingdoms, not continually at least, but those that knew would remain quiet and silent on the matter, aware it would be foolish to defy her.

  One day, Victoria came upon Julian being harassed by one of the male courtiers. Harassed might have been a too strong a word, and seeing the smile in the woman’s lips she wasn’t worried, but something bothered her about the scene. Perhaps it was the way the man reached for Julian’s hand and kissed it, perhaps it was the fake giggle the other woman released – and she knew it was fake.

  Victoria pursed her lips and stepped forward, and she barely noticed her hands had tightened into fists. The courtier saw her first and paled, then scrambled back from Julian with barely a word, and the blonde watched him move away with a smirk in her lips before turning to the queen.

  She let her eyes move over the other woman’s figure. Victoria was tall and beautiful. Her hair was deep red and curly, reaching the middle of her back; her skin was a porcelain-pale, and her eyes green. She had a few freckles on her face, but that only seemed to make her even more desirable. Anger only made her features more attractive, and Julian suspected she knew why Victoria was angry.

  The woman would never tell her, but she was pretty sure the queen was sporting a crush. A twitch from the rod between her legs let Julian realize just how much she liked that idea, but she controlled herself. She. It was still hard for her to think of herself as a woman, but she couldn’t deny the facts. They were there every time she looked down and saw her own bust, even if most women didn’t have what she did between their legs, but more and more she thought of herself as a her instead of a him. That had to change; she had to find a way to change back.

  She smiled at Victoria when the other woman got near, and felt a sense of pleasure when the queen slowed down and almost looked away. There was a blush on her cheeks, and Julian couldn’t deny she was tempted to reach out and touch it, to get to know how it felt against her skin, and to see the redhead’s reaction, but she held back.

  It would only inflame some of the rumors going around about her and the queen, and no matter how much part of her would be amused by it all she couldn’t risk the other woman throwing her away.

  Julian had nothing: no home, no riches, and no titles. She depended on Victoria’s goodwill to survive and thrive, and couldn’t risk upsetting that. She was tempted though.

  Victoria cleared her throat and gazed at Julian’s face for a few moments before reaching out, grabbing her hand and dragging her away. Julian let herself be led towards the garden where she met Victoria, where her torment as a frog finished. There were a couple of persons walking around when they arrived, but once they saw the queen they scrambled out of it, unwilling to bother her.

  She didn’t even notice them leaving, too busy with her gaze on the ground, thinking. Eventually she sighed and raised her head, me
eting Julian’s gaze head on.

  “I know you’ve been lying to me,” Victoria’s voice was hesitant, quite unlike her. “You remember more of your past than you let on.”

  Julian looked away. The woman wasn’t wrong, but she didn’t exactly want to think about the past. It was too painful, too dark. A shudder ran along her skin when she remembered the time she spent as a frog, and she held herself for a few moments, trying to get warm. Victoria stepped closer and it almost seemed like she would hug the other woman, but held back.

  “It hurts.” The blonde started eventually, shaking her head. “And I wasn’t lying exactly. There are some blanks in my memory, especially of the time I spent as a frog, but I wasn’t telling the full truth either. I do remember part of my past.” It had been much harder to do so as a frog, most of her memories had been hazy then, but as a human it was easy. She remembered her parents, she remembered most of her family and friends, even if it seemed like she had last seen them a long time ago.

  Julian remembered being a prince, playing the court game and spending time with her friends seducing women. She remembered meeting one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen and falling in love with her, and all that came from it do to misunderstandings and her father unwillingness to let her love who she wished.

  She shook her head and tried to banish those memories, but it was hard, and she understood Victoria wanted to know her story. And in a way the woman deserved to know it. Without her, she would still be a frog, wandering the world in search of someone who could save her, someone who could listen to her. She tried speaking to other people plenty of times before, but never succeeded. For some reason, Victoria was special and understood her, and that was the only reason she was free.

  She looked at the redhead and smiled, softly, silently giving her the go ahead to ask her questions. Victoria hesitated, she saw it happen, and she noticed the moment the queen decided to let her go, to stifle her own curiosity, and it seemed wrong. Julian grasped Victoria’s hand, liking the way the redhead reddened, and smiled again. “Ask your questions, and I’ll answer them as I can.”

  Victoria breathed deeply and seemed to gather herself. “Who are you? I mean, really. You said you’re a prince, or you were before turning into a frog, but who?”

  The blonde straightened and bowed with grace, reaching for Victoria’s hand and laying a kiss on it. “Julian De la Roche, your majesty. At your service.” The manner in which she moved, the flair of her words and even her poise: all indicated a princely manner, and Victoria found herself swallowing.

  She had never cared for princes and knights, no matter how many times they tried to woo her, but there was something different about Julian, something that made her more attractive to Victoria despite looking like a woman. That she knew different didn’t matter; that Julian hadn’t been a woman before didn’t matter, even if she wasn’t completely like a normal woman now.

  If Julian noticed her reaction she didn’t do anything to indicate it, though there was a spark of something in her eyes that might have been amusement. Victoria ignored it. “I know of no prince by that name.”

  Her words seemed to make Julian’s visage darken. “I feared something like that might happen.” The other smiled sadly, shrugging when Victoria blinked. “I don’t know how long I spent as a frog, it’s very hard to think like that, or how far I traveled, but it seemed like an eternity ago.”

  “You fear enough time has passed that you’ve been lost to it?”

  Julian closed her eyes and nodded, and this time Victoria couldn’t resist the urge to comfort her. Without a word she closed the distance between them and hugged the other woman, grabbing tight and holding on. It was comfortable, and far more soothing than any hug she had received in years, though those were rare.

  When the other woman shifted, she noticed their breasts were pressed against one another’s and blushed, but didn’t move back immediately. She waited until Julian gave a sign she was alright and only then moved, smiling gently.

  “I think so.” The blonde answered eventually, obviously hesitant. “I can’t find any reference to my kingdom amongst the books in your library, none the maps I’ve seen here are close to those that existed in my homeland.” She let her breath out in something like a sigh. “Maybe I’m simply too far away, but I can’t imagine how a frog would be able to travel such a distance in a short time.”

  “Can’t you remember if you moved a lot or no?”

  Julian shook her head. “My memories of being a frog are very hazy. Some things I remember with clarity, like our meeting, or some occasions when I had to run away from predators. Other’s not so much. I can’t tell you enough about it.”

  It bothered her.

  Victoria licked her lips. Part of her wanted to stop the questioning and make it so that Julian wouldn’t have to think about that past, another was too curious and hoped that by talking the other woman would feel better about it all.

  The choice was taken out of her hands when the other woman continued. “I do remember what happened before I was turned into a frog.”

  “And what happened, exactly?” Victoria followed the other’s cue, figuring that was something Julian wanted to talk about.

  Julian hesitated slightly before starting. “I was quite a charming prince, I dare say.” Her roguish smirk when she turned to Victoria made the other woman huff, but she did color slightly. She could imagine how easily the other would seduce someone back when she was a prince. Julian was beautiful even now, and smart, smooth. Being a prince on top of that would only make it easier to seduce anyone she wished. “And I wasn’t always careful with the women I took to bed.”

  The young queen couldn’t deny hearing that made her a little uncomfortable. She never liked those nobles that tried to climb between a woman’s legs at all costs, or those that used their position to charm a woman and then abandon her, and unfortunately that seemed to be the kind of prince Julian had been.

  The blonde noticed how unsettled Victoria became, and smiled sadly, understanding what was bothering her. “I regret it, obviously. I regretted it even before I was turned into a frog, when I met the woman I thought would be my wife.”

  Victoria’s heart ached at those words, and she didn’t know if it was pity or jealously that provoked it. “Something happened to her?”

  “It’s complicated.” For a moment it seemed Julian wouldn’t continue, but eventually she sighed and did so, looking up and meeting Victoria’s eyes first. “And I don’t know what happened to her exactly. I do know what she did to me.” There was hurt in that voice, and maybe something like regret. “She was a witch.”

  Victoria blinked. “Seriously?”

  Julian nodded. “I didn’t know when I met her, I thought she was a commoner then, and she was, but there was more about her.”

  “You tried to seduce her, I suppose.” Victoria couldn’t hide her frown.

  The other woman laughed. “I did, but she wanted nothing with me. That was perhaps what made me want her so much at the time.” She explained herself better when Victoria tilted her head. “She wasn’t the first person to spurn my advances, but some of the others were simply doing it as an attempt to make me more interested in them. Bianca was different, she really had no interest in me.”

  “And that intrigued you?”

  “Yes.” Julian nodded. “I mean, I’m not stupid and I knew plenty of the women I seduced only let themselves be seduced because of my position. I didn’t really care at the time. I was a prince though, and Bianca a poor woman, living in a cabin in the woods. I couldn’t fathom the reason why she wouldn’t want me.”

  “You wanted a challenge.” Victoria’s words were filled with disgust, and she wanted to look away, but the blonde shook her head almost immediately.

  “No, that wasn’t it.” Julian vehemently denied. “It amused me that she wasn’t interested, I suppose, but that wasn’t the reason I pursued her. She was beautiful and kind, I saw that kindness many times when she inter
acted with other people. She didn’t care for money or my position, and it was as if the sunlight was always lighting her path.”

  “You fell in love with her.”

  Victoria didn’t know what to think about it. Part of her was happy that Julian had found someone to love, another was jealous both for him and of him. She was alone in the world and wanted to love someone as it seemed Julian had learned to love, and she couldn’t deny she would like to have a prince woo her.

  Not that many princes hadn’t tried before, but none was anything close to charming. In her opinion at least. Many other women in court had fallen for the foreign princes that tried to woo their queen, but Victoria never felt a spark for any of them, and in some cases was actually disgusted.

  More than once she had thought the problem was with her, and maybe it was, but that didn’t change how she felt, and it wouldn’t force her to settle for someone she didn’t or couldn’t love. Some of her hopefuls had been good men, but they didn’t move her. And she was queen, no one could force her to do anything against her will.

  If Julian noticed how melancholic Victoria sounded she didn’t say. She just smiled almost sheepishly. “I did, and after a bit convinced her that I truly liked her. For a good while we were happy.”

  “But something happened.” Victoria was certain. Something must have happened to make them part, and something must have made Bianca turn the prince into a frog. That was obviously where the tale was leading to, and seeing Julian’s features darken again only confirmed her suspicions.

  “I asked her to marry me.” Julian’s eyes were lost on the past, and pain showed in her features. “And it was great, at first. She was overjoyed and we made love during the entire afternoon, and I left her side with a smile in my lips. That cheer lasted until I told my father I wanted to marry a poor commoner. He tried to forbid me from meeting her, but I was nothing if not stubborn, and didn’t care for his words. I kept seeing Bianca, kept meeting with her against his will.”