Pocahontas (Futanari Erotica Fairy Tales Book 11) Page 5
Rebecca only found out her lover had returned when her father came to her, and told her the chief wanted to speak with both of them. The redhead followed Anthony into his study, crossing gazes with her lover after passing the door.
Pocahontas looked the same, but there was a heat in her eyes, a desire that had only gotten stronger with her separation from Rebecca.
Rebecca’s mother had already been in the room, tending to their guests.
“Well, we are all here, what do you want?” Anthony’s voice was cold and his anger was evident, but Chief Powhatan didn’t let it affect him.
Negotiations broke down after what happened, but no new attacks occurred. Most of the settlers believed peace was possible, even realizing something important happened between the Smith family and Chief Powhatan.
“I come with a proposal for peace.” Chief Powhatan’s powerful voice echoed around the room for a few moments, while Anthony gazed at the man.
Eventually, Rebecca’s father relaxed minimally and let some of his anger drain away. He might be angry about what Pocahontas did to his daughter, but he wouldn’t risk the life of the settlers and a possible war because of it. No matter how much it galled him, he could keep things separate.
“Which is?” He questioned.
“My people will not attack you further and even allow you to mine in our lands, but in exchange you’ll give us a cut from the profits and your daughter’s hand.” Chief Powhatan’s proposal drew gasps from both Rebecca and her mother, and a narrowed gaze from Anthony.
“What do you mean ‘my daughter’s hand’?” The Englishman asked, drawing himself to his full height, which wasn’t so impressive compared to Chief Powhatan’s.
The native looked at his daughter a little confused, and then to Anthony once again. “Is that not how your people request the union of two people?”
“Well yes, but wait.” Anthony replied, getting confused in the wake of the other man’s confusion. “What do you meant when you asked for my daughter’s hand?”
Powhatan blinked. “I intend for you to let our daughters be with one another.”
“They can’t marry,” Anthony protested, shaking his head and refusing to look at the being that defiled his daughter. “They’re women, they can’t marry one another.”
Powhatan’s confusion became even more pronounced. “In our tribe, if two desire each other, they simply live together. Parents might be against the union, but there are ways to settle such things.”
“I can’t let my daughter live like that.” Anthony protested, his voice rising in volume.
“Why not?” Rebecca’s whisper broke the silence that followed and the redhead faced her father, smiling openly.
Anthony swallowed. “You can’t imagine what they would say of you if this happens. I don’t want you to suffer.”
“They’ll speak nonetheless, dad.” Rebecca’s smile was bitter and resigned. “I’m pregnant after all, and unmarried. People will talk.”
Her declaration made both Pocahontas and her father’s eyes widen, and the native woman stepped closer to her lover, only stopping when Rebecca’s father’s eyes fell on her.
The man turned back to his daughter and shook his head. “I don’t want you to suffer.” He repeated.
“True suffering will be to be away from her, father.” Rebecca’s smile brightened when she turned towards Pocahontas and her features softened. “I love her, I want to be by her side and it’s not like we have much of a choice, isn’t it?”
She turned back to her father. “This is a great deal, which will allow you to throw yourself into a political career and it will bring peace between our peoples.”
Her father still shook his head at first, but when Rebecca moved forward and took hold of his hand he relented.
“Are you sure?” He asked, giving up.
“Then so be it.” Anthony decided, closing his eyes and hoping his daughter wouldn’t be doing the biggest mistake of her life.
“Mommy, mommy,” Louise’s voice was insistent and Rebecca turned away from the vegetables she was preparing and faced her five-year-old daughter. “Do you think mama is going to take long to come back?”
The redhead laughed at the pout in her daughter’s lips. Louise was a beautiful child; her coloring was Pocahontas’s both in hair and skin, though her features were more closely related to Rebecca than the girl’s other mother.
“Why?” Rebecca questioned, leaning down to put her arms around the child.
Louise shrugged. “It’s nothing, I just miss her is all.”
The redhead grinned. “Don’t worry baby, your mother is going to be home soon.”
Pocahontas had left some days before, to help her father with some problems of the tribe.
Rebecca hadn’t know it when she came to live with the other woman, but people like Pocahontas, persons with certain sexual characteristics were almost revered by the natives. Their stories said those people were blessed by the spirits and they were respected for it.
Most of the natives loved Powhatan’s rule simply because his daughter was so blessed.
Rebecca didn’t care about it, only hating the many occasions Pocahontas had to spend time away from her and their daughter.
Their union hadn’t been an uneventful one. Most of the settlers, being very deeply religions, couldn’t understand why her father allowed it, but he argued it was only due to such union that they found peace with the natives and eventually that narrative, and his silver tongue, turned them around.
Rebecca’s father was chosen as mayor some time before Louise’s birth, most of the local population recognizing his effort to establish a peace. The fact he gained even more mining rights didn’t hurt.
Anthony and Rebecca eventually reconciled fully with one another and the redhead’s father came to love his grandchild. Louise spent a great deal of her time with her grandparents and loved them deeply.
A sound came from outside the door and Louise shout out like a bullet, running towards it.
Rebecca smiled and shook her head, used to her daughter’s incredibly energy. She wasn’t surprised when Pocahontas poked her head inside the room, Louise gathered in her arms.
The child was speaking as quickly as she could to her and Rebecca just smiled, enjoying seeing the two of them interact.
Eventually Pocahontas poised the girl on her feet and sent her on her way, before turning to Rebecca.
The redhead smiled, watching Pocahontas come toward her, lust in the native’s eyes.
“I missed you.” Rebecca whispered into the other woman’s lips.
“Not as much as I did.” Pocahontas learned Rebecca’s language over the years, but she would never be completely rid of her original accent, not that the redhead minded.
She found it sexy.
Rebecca moaned when Pocahontas kissed her neck and shoulder, the other woman starting to work on unlacing her blouse.
“Wait,” She whispered, trying to get some distance between them. “There’s something I need to tell you.”
“Later,” Pocahontas protested, letting her hands wander over her mate’s chest, cupping the flesh.
“I’m pregnant.” Rebecca said before the other woman could continue and they lost themselves in each other’s caresses.
“Are you certain?” Pocahontas questioned, leaning back to look at her lover.
Rebecca nodded. “I didn’t want to say anything last time you were here, I wasn’t certain, but my mother agrees. I’m waiting another child.”
“Good.” Pocahontas replied and there was such satisfaction in that word that Rebecca had to shudder.
“Good?” Rebecca questioned, amused.
“Very good.” Pocahontas said, nodding eagerly and before the other woman could protest, the native sneaked her arms around Rebecca’s figure and pulled the redhead against her, leading her towards their room.
Rebecca let herself be lead away and thought her lover wa
s correct and that life was good, very good indeed, and had been since the day they had first met.
The end
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From the Same Author:
Beauty and the Beast
(Futanari Erotica Fairy Tales)
Mara was a beautiful girl forced to flee from her home when her kingdom was conquered by invaders. Being the daughter of a duke, she was made to choose between marriage to one of the men that helped kill her father, or run away to distant lands with her little sister.
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Captured by Amazons
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Kira was a fiery woman who left her tribe to roam the world, tired of the suffering of her people. She knew most of the races in the continent believed her people to be barbarians, but she wanted to show them wrong and become a great hero, fighting for the good of all and hopefully changing their opinions about her tribe.
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Archaeologist Mara Rivers was searching for a sign of an offshoot Incan civilization in the depths of the Amazonian rain forest in Colombia, when her crew was attacked by armed men and she was kidnapped.
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