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The Frog Princess (Futanari Erotica Fairy Tales Book 14) Page 3

  She paused then, and Victoria noticed her hands had tightened into fists.

  “He took it badly and announced I would marry a foreign noble. All the people in the realm believed him, but I managed to convince Bianca it was his ploy, and that I would convince him eventually. When he realized he couldn’t make me give her up, he decided to ruin her image of me.”


  “He invited her to the palace and then paraded a group of my former conquests in front of her.” Julian’s lips twitched into a sad smile. “He was a charismatic man, I think I got that from him, and he convinced her I was just using her, told her I had promised to marry many different women before. The joke was on him though; he didn’t know she was a witch. He realized it when her powers flared out and his windows broke, but by then she was already leaving.”

  “Were witches that common in your kingdom?” Victoria had heard many tales about them, and rumors, but nowadays most people believed witches didn’t exist, and she couldn’t exactly disagree with them. Only her experience with Julian showed her differently, but that didn’t change the fact no known witch existed in her country.

  “Not exactly common, but not unheard of. And if there was something you never did was anger a witch.” Julian’s lips twitched again. “My father begged me to go away for a time, until Bianca calmed down, but I refused to hear him. He tried to sabotage me and my relationship, and I was cross with him. I believed I could convince Bianca of the truth, and make her marry me, but I was proven wrong.”

  Victoria didn’t have to think hard to realize what happened afterwards. “She cursed you.”

  “Barely let me get a word as she angrily shouted at me.” Despite her words and what happened, she had a smile on her lips as she thought of her beloved. “And then she used her magic on me. Cursed me to be as ugly outside as I was inside, she said, and to wander the Earth until I found someone in need of me, someone who could show me what true love really was.”

  She met Victoria’s eyes, and the young queen had to resist the urge to look away at the sheer emotion in those orbs. There was such sadness hovering over Julian, a sadness that had kept itself hidden from sight during the days the blonde had lived in the palace; a sadness that she hadn’t seen before.

  “Even after she turned me into a frog all I wanted was to tell her she was wrong. I had already met the one who showed me what love was, and all I wanted was to spend my time with her, but she shooed me away, and I fled scared for my life.”

  They fell in silence. It wasn’t comfortable, nor unsettling, but Victoria didn’t know what to say, and Julian seemed not to care. Eventually, Victoria reached for the other woman and pulled her into a hug, and she wasn’t surprised that Julian didn’t resist it.

  After they parted the queen smiled. “We should return to the palace before anyone says anything about us, Juliana.” The name slipped out of her lips without her meaning to, but it was what the court was calling the other woman, and she didn’t seem very bothered by it.

  The blonde smirked, always ready to flirt despite her emotional state. “We couldn’t have them think their queen is trying to seduce me, could we?” She winked and turned around, not giving Victoria a chance to answer, leaving her gaping.

  After a moment the queen recomposed herself, fumed, and started walking after Juliana, willing and ready to make her pay for her words.

  Chapter 3

  Things changed a little between the two of them after that day. Despite the irritation that Juliana’s attitude sometimes brought to Victoria, she couldn’t deny there was something more between them. Maybe it was trust: the other woman finally trusted her and told her about her past.

  Victoria suspected there was more to it though. She liked the other woman as she had never liked anyone before, she laughed more in Juliana’s company than she had laughed in years, she was happy. When she realized it, she stopped still and cast her mind back, trying to remember the last time she had been so happy. Life hadn’t exactly been kind to her in the last years, but happiness like what she now felt was something of her childhood memories.

  Eventually the young queen decided to open herself to the other woman, as Juliana had done to her. She told her of her family, their deaths, and the burden of ruling. The blonde had been aware of some of it, it wasn’t exactly a state secret, but Victoria had never told anyone before how she felt, how her fate weighted on her mind, and it was a very important step for her to take.

  That little confession only made them closer for a bit, and though the rumors about the two of them grew in volume and frequency, Victoria didn’t care. She didn’t have to care about what her courtiers thought, she was queen after all. If the rumors bothered Juliana it didn’t show, and the woman seemed to gain some pleasure from them, and did what she could to help them along, always talking innuendo to the queen where some could hear them.

  The first time it happened, the guards hovering behind Victoria exchanged looks, waiting for their queen to explode, only to be surprised by her laugh and her cheer. That she was unbothered by Juliana’s behavior only made them seem closer, and the rumors spread more quickly.

  It took a long time for Victoria to realize that maybe Juliana wasn’t playing around. At first, she thought the other woman was setting the scene for an audience, that she was trying to fool her courtiers into believing them lovers, but when Juliana kept her pretense even when they were alone Victoria recognized what was happening.

  The blonde was trying to seduce her, and it was working.

  Victoria had never cared for anyone in that manner, never been able to answer the desire of those knights and princes that tried to woo her, but somehow Juliana got past her barriers and reached her heart. She couldn’t understand why.

  The other woman wasn’t different from some that tried to seduce her before, she wasn’t a saint nor a devil. She was funny and amusing, and adventurous; and Victoria had saved her from a fate worse than death. Was that the reason? The young queen wondered more than once that maybe she felt responsible for Juliana in some way, but that didn’t really explain it all.

  It didn’t explain the ache in her heart when Juliana talked about getting back to normal, back to her male body. The other seemed to be so comfortable as a woman that Victoria didn’t understand why she wanted to change back, even when the queen silently acknowledged that any kind of relationship between them would be easier with Julian the prince, instead of Juliana the queen’s childhood’s friend.

  Victoria wasn’t the only one noticing the changes in their interactions. Julian saw the lust and desire grow in the queen’s eyes whenever they interacted, and she saw something else grow as well – something she had only seen once before, in Bianca’s eyes.

  That gave her pause for a day or two, but she couldn’t deny her own attraction to the queen, her own desire. She never possessed much self-control, and sincerely she didn’t want to have self-control with Victoria. The other woman was beautiful, gentle and kind, and above else she needed to be loved.

  Juliana could see the cloud of unhappiness that hovered over Victoria’s head, the despair that clung to her. She doubted anyone who saw her couldn’t. So she decided to do everything she could to make it vanish, she made the other woman laugh and dream, she made the other woman want, and she decided to make the other woman love. Victoria deserved to be loved, to be treated as a goddess.

  Which was why she asked Williams’s help to prepare a surprise for Victoria, days before the queen’s birthday, exactly three months after they met. The man helped her with gusto, him and the guards and servants of the palace, knowing she was trying to make their queen happy.

  “Where are you taking me?” Victoria’s voice showed she was trying to seem angry, but the amusement underneath couldn’t be hidden, and Juliana laughed.

  “You’ll see.” She looked back at the queen, feeling her heart burst at the trust the other was putting on her. Victoria had a piece of cloth around her head, keeping her from seeing, and only Juli
ana’s hand guided her.

  It didn’t take them long to reach their destination, the place where they had met for the first time: the garden Victoria spent so much time in. When they arrived, Juliana moved behind the other woman and pressed against her for some moments, enjoying the sudden inhalation Victoria took, and then gently releasing the cloth and letting the blonde see what was in front of them.

  Victoria gasped at the table filled with foods, and then turned to Juliana with a question in her eyes. The blonde smiled. “I asked for a little help to prepare this surprise. I know it’s still a little early to celebrate your birthday, but you’ll be very busy in the next days, and I wanted to celebrate alone with you.”

  Victoria’s eyes softened and she smiled before studying the table once again. “Who helped you?” Her voice was low, soft and wondering, and Juliana reached forward and poised a hand on her shoulder.

  “Williams and the remaining servants of the palace.” Victoria couldn’t hide her surprise and Juliana chuckled, stepping forward once again and almost invading the other woman’s personal space. “They do care about you, you know that, don’t you?” The way she looked aside seemed to indicate she didn’t, but Juliana’s hand against her cheek made her turn back. “Your people love you. Even your courtiers love you, though some would prefer you involved yourself more in the daily court life.”

  Victoria didn’t seem to know what to say about that, and only after a moment did Juliana realize what she was doing and stopped caressing the queen’s face. The other seemed disappointed about that, but that disappointment was replaced by amusement when Juliana pulled a chair and gestured for her to sit. The queen did so demurely, smiling back at Juliana when the other smiled.

  They ate and drank with gusto, and laughed with cheer as the hours went on. For the first time in her life Victoria got a little tipsy, but she was still in control of herself. She just felt she needed the courage for what she suspected would happen later, for what she wanted to happen later between the two of them.

  It surprised her how easily she accepted it. Victoria couldn’t say she ever had a lover before, or was even tempted to have one, and there she was, considering spending the night in Juliana’s arms. At that thought, a memory from when the frog turned into woman came, and Victoria blushed at the remembrance of the other’s curves, and of the oddities of her body. She couldn’t help how her eyes smoldered, and she hated that Juliana noticed.

  And she noticed it. Victoria saw her smirk growing wider, and heard her voice becoming more and more seductive, even if she wasn’t exactly paying attention to the words.

  There was no more need for words, and Juliana got to her feet and moved towards the other woman, stopping beside her and extending her hand. Victoria swallowed before accepting, and was pulled to her feet when she did. She inhaled sharply when her front pressed against the blonde’s, and swallowed, waiting for the moment Juliana would close the distance between them and kiss her, but the other was cruel.

  The former prince remained there, still as a statue, letting her eyes rove over Victoria’s face until the queen couldn’t resist the temptation and reached forward.

  The kiss was soft and fleeting, their lips barely brushed against one another’s, and it was enough to make Victoria’s heart still. Her breath escaped her in a rush once they parted, and she barely inhaled once more before kissing the other again. The second kiss was still soft, but the third and the forth were anything but.

  The queen was inexperienced, and Juliana let her take control at first, let her get to make her own pace, but the moment the other woman tried to sneak her tongue into her mouth was the moment Juliana lost control of her own urges. She put her hands on Victoria’s hair and grasped tight, not enough to hurt, but enough for the other woman to be unable to escape from her, and then she tilted her head and deepened the kiss.

  If the moan Victoria released when that happened was any indication, she liked it very much.

  They didn’t linger around very long. No matter how much Juliana might want to push the other woman into the table and take her right there, she couldn’t justify allowing Victoria’s first time to be so uncouth. The other was a queen, a paragon of a woman, and a beauty of the highest order. She deserved to be loved like a goddess, and Juliana would make sure she got everything she deserved.

  There were no guards on their path to Victoria’s quarters, and for a moment Juliana wondered if Williams was responsible for that. Maybe the man wasn’t exactly expecting the two of them to spend the night together, and simply hoped to avoid anyone seeing their queen drunk out of her mind, in case she drank too much. Whatever the reason it only helped them, and it allowed Juliana to do something she wanted since she grasped Victoria’s hand after dining.

  The queen looked questionably at Juliana when she turned, and her eyes widened when the blonde’s smirk became more pronounced. The shriek she released when Juliana grabbed her bridal-style was surely heard far, but none interrupted them, and the former prince could carry the queen into her bedroom, and into her bed afterwards.

  Victoria looked so vulnerable then, looking up at her with something indescribable in her eyes, that Juliana paused in doubt. There was a purity about the other woman that she feared would be lost if she touched her in an inappropriate way, and that was the last thing Juliana desired.

  She stayed still for so long that Victoria reached for her, grasping one of her hands and softly holding it. Juliana inhaled sharply when the other woman pulled that hand, pressed it against her face and leaned her cheek against it. She couldn’t resist; she would dare argue no one could have resisted Victoria in that moment, and so she leaned down and pressed her lips against the queen’s once more. The kiss started soft and turned fiery, and when Juliana came to herself she was beside the other woman on the bed, and desire clawed at her heart.

  Despite their lust, they were gentle, at first. Juliana took the first step to advance their actions and gently unlaced part of her dress, letting it sag in front of her chest. The sight attracted Victoria, as it had attracted her more than once before, but this time the queen didn’t hold back. Without a hint of shame, she reached for the front of Juliana’s dress and grabbed it, ripping before the other woman could do anything, baring the underclothes beneath.

  Juliana swallowed at the lust in the other’s eyes. The truth was that, despite being more experienced than Victoria, it had been a long time since she had anyone, since she was touched by another. She spent countless years as a frog, and now that she had her body back it was different. She was more woman than man now, and being with another would be a new experience.

  Their eyes met and for one moment they understood each other completely. Victoria saw Juliana’s hesitation and doubts, and the blonde saw hers.

  They smiled and kissed again, softly. Piece by piece they rid themselves of their clothes, baring each other completely. Juliana swallowed as she saw the light of the candles reflected on Victoria’s skin, and she hesitantly reached forward, touching it, hearing the queen gasp in surprise as she ran the back of her hand over that pale skin. She smirked when that skin broke into goosebumps, regaining some of her earlier confidence.

  Victoria was a woman; a distinguished one: beautiful, perfect, gentle, a queen, but a woman nonetheless, and Juliana had long learned how to please women.

  She liked to see Victoria’s green orbs widen when she leaned down and pressed her lips against her wrist, then her elbow and collarbone, then her throat. The queen moaned and tightened her hands on her sheets, but didn’t move, either because she was hesitant, or because she figured it was better to let Juliana do as she pleased.

  Juliana wanted Victoria to touch her back, but she understood it would take a while for the other woman to take that step, and so she amused herself by tasting every inch of Victoria’s skin, caressing her completely, except the areas Victoria truly wanted her to caress.

  She knew that the pressure was mounting inside the other woman, and sooner or later she w
ould blow up. She would make sure that happened.

  She couldn’t resist making sure that happened sooner than later when the other woman begged. “Please!” Victoria’s voice sent a shudder running down Juliana’s spine and she stopped fighting against her instincts, against her wants, and poised her hands against Victoria’s chest, gentle, kneading that soft flesh and making her moan louder than before.

  The young queen could only shiver as she was touched like that for the first time, and she almost reached for the other woman, wanting to pay her back in kind, but hesitation made her stop. She didn’t know what to do, she didn’t know how to please Juliana and she didn’t want to disappoint the other woman. She didn’t resist the urge to grab Juliana’s hands and pressed them tighter against her own chest however.

  The former prince used the opportunity for all its worth and grasped that flesh, tight, flicking her thumbs against the little peaks, and making something similar to a squeal escape from Victoria’s mouth. She chuckled when that happened, and the other woman looked at her with an offended gaze, but a kiss took care of that.

  Victoria hesitated again as Juliana laid her out on the bed, but that hesitation was replaced by something else when the other woman leaned down and licked one of her nipples. Juliana teased her relentlessly for a long time, or at least it seemed so, and Victoria begged and pleaded, asking for something she didn’t quite understand.

  Juliana couldn’t help but shudder when she looked at the woman beneath her. Victoria was more beautiful than ever, vulnerable as she was in that moment, and Juliana’s cock was harder than she could remember it ever being. She had loved Bianca with all her heart, but she cared for Victoria as well, and the queen’s beauty surpassed that of her former love by a great deal.

  The hard rod touched Victoria’s leg when the other woman leaned down, and she flinched in surprise, then looked at it. It was warm and hard, and she couldn’t resist the temptation to reach out and touch it. Only then did she process what she was doing and almost released it, but Juliana moaned, loud and eager, and Victoria found herself exploring that appendage, wanting to hear a moan like that once more.