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Beauty and the Beast (Futanari Erotica Fairy Tales Book 10) Page 2

  The next days were some of the most nerve wracking of Mara’s life. She did her chores as ordered, but she barely spent any time with the princess. The young woman always dismissed her as soon as she finished.

  It didn’t take long for boredom to settle in. Mara dreaded what would come ahead and yet, despite what was expected of her, her life was the simplest it had been in a long time.

  Time passed and Mara wasn’t requested.

  She relaxed a little as the first week came to an end. If the princess could control herself as easily as she had done during that time, her task wouldn’t be as horrid as she feared.

  Then the eight day came, and Mara realized it would not be as simple as that.

  It all started in the morning, when she woke to the furious sound of a guitar’s strings. Mara had heard the princess play before, usually during the afternoons, but never as angry as then.

  Alexandra played the flute and the harp, the guitar and the piano, but usually it was a soothing melody, and not the furious crescendo that now came from the princess’s study.

  So worried was Mara that she did something she would later acknowledge was foolish – she entered the princess’s study without calling out.

  The blonde stopped, frozen, when her eyes fell on Alexandra.

  The black haired woman danced with closed eyes as she played the guitar with reckless abandon. Mara froze because in that moment Alexandra seemed almost divine, beautiful beyond all measure, and she ought to watch the princess play. Her heartbeat started thundering in her chest as her eyes roved over the princess’s body.

  The blonde couldn’t say how much time she spent like that, watching the other woman move, but eventually it all came crashing down.

  The princess failed a note in her melody and in her anger she threw the guitar down, breaking it completely. A furious scream escaped her mouth.

  Mara most have made some sound then because Alexandra’s eyes turned to her and the princess’s anger turned into rage.

  “What are you doing here?” She asked as she moved towards the blonde. Mara scrambled back until she hit the door.

  “Nothing,” Mara squeaked out. “I just thought you needed help.”

  The words did nothing to calm Alexandra, on the contrary, they only incited her fury. Without really meaning to, the princess took hold of Mara’s arm and squeezed.

  The pained moan the handmaiden released juggled some part of Alexandra’s mind, and she realized what was happening. She was transforming into the monster she was cursed to be, the uncontrollable beast inside.

  The princess tried to stop it, not wanting to abuse the poor maid – no one deserved to suffer what her beast inflicted on people.

  Mara saw the struggle in the princess’s eyes and realized the other woman was about to lose control. She noticed how much Alexandra struggled, but it was for naught; bit by bit Alexandra’s body became more defined, and the princess increased in height.

  Alexandra became toned and muscular. Hers was a body like those of heroes of legend, and yet there was something cruel and malformed about it.

  Mara swallowed as the princess’s nails transformed into claws, her eyes became red and narrow, and teeth turned into fangs.

  The biggest transformation, though, was what happened between the princess’s legs.

  During her change, Alexandra’s lower clothes got destroyed, putting her sex on display, and Mara couldn’t take her eyes off of it.

  The blonde wasn’t a blushing maiden – she had plenty of lovers in the past, but the princess’s cock was the biggest she had ever seen. She was ashamed to admit it, but she got distracted for a few moments only regaining her concentration when the princess’ grip increased.

  Mara looked at Alexandra’s face and saw just how eager the princess was for her touch. How much she fought against the urge to take her.

  She found herself oddly touched. Even transformed, the princess wasn’t ugly – far from it. Her face gained a more bestial touch, and it looked more primal, but Alexandra was still beautiful. Mara started wondering if this would be such a chore.

  Alexandra closed her eyes, hoping that by looking away from the beautiful handmaiden she would be able to spare the girl, but then there was something that made both her and her beast freeze in place.

  A small touch, a lightweight caress, and the princess opened her eyes. She looked down from her now almost seven feet of height to see Mara reaching out and touching her hard cock.

  She shook her head, certain she was dreaming, but then Mara gripped her a little tighter and she couldn’t deny what was happening.

  “What are you doing?” She managed to ask after a few moments with a growly voice.

  “My job?” Mara half-questioned. “That’s why I’m here, isn’t it? To take care of this when you need me to.” She finished by squeezing the cock, letting no doubts about what she meant remain.

  “Stop,” Alexandra squeaked out, but it wasn’t what she really wanted. She needed Mara’s touch, and to reach that zenith of pleasure. Strangely, she found herself with a greater amount of control than she ever had. For one moment, she wondered if it was because she had someone that seemed willing to satisfy her without looking aside in shame.

  Maybe her beast didn’t find it as tempting to hunt down willing prey.

  A moment later all those considerations fled her mind because Mara started moving her hand up and down, stroking her cock.

  Alexandra’s eyes fluttered and she breathed deeply, startled by the sensations her handmaiden provoked in her. So distracted was the princess that she released the grip on the blonde, and only realized Mara was free when the woman kneeled in front of her.

  The brunette looked confusedly at the other woman.

  Mara grinned up at her and, with a blush, Alexandra knew exactly what the handmaiden intended. The blonde didn’t gave her enough time to be stopped – not that Alexandra would want to stop her, not really – and leaned forward.

  Mara smirked when Alexandra lurched at the first touch of her lips. It was a gentle caress, a simple brush of her mouth against the princess’s cock. Part of her could only think about how she would make the princess beg if she reacted so easily.

  Despite the seneschal’s words, Mara realized Alexandra was quite inexperienced in sexual matters, and was probably used to let her instincts run wild. If that was so, Mara intended to make her scream with pleasure.

  Alexandra felt like a caged animal. Mara was playing with her and she knew it, but she wouldn’t try to change a thing, liking the game they were playing very much.

  Part of her wanted to grasp the handmaiden’s hair, force her down into the floor and mount her like an animal, but for once in her cursed lifetime Alexandra could ignore those instincts, and simply let herself enjoy the blonde.

  Mara didn’t linger for long, rightfully suspecting that too much teasing might incite Alexandra’s beast. She kissed the tip of the cock and let her tongue taste the reddened skin, swirling it around, loving the shudders Alexandra released as she did it.

  Bit by bit, she moved faster, licking the cock from base to head, and head to base, letting her fingers sneak between the princess’s thighs and finding the pussy underneath the cock.

  Mara teased that as well, running a finger over Alexandra’s nether lips, touching her clit gently at first, but then harder.

  The princess moaned out loud and her legs trembled, showing just how much the other woman was affecting her. Her beast started to roar inside, wanting her pound of flesh, needing release, and Alexandra feared she would lose control for a moment.

  Then Mara opened her mouth and swallowed Alexandra’s cock, and the princess knew nothing but bliss.

  The handmaiden’s mouth was the softest thing she had ever felt, and the way that tongue swirled around her cock made her delirious with need. It sparked something inside of her, making her move by pure instinct.

  Alexandra put her hands on Mara’s head and took control of the woman’s motions, making he
r keep a steady rhythm over her cock.

  The blonde made no motion to resist and let the princess do as she wanted, focusing on making the other woman feel as much enjoyment as possible. Alexandra’s moans were a great indicator and Mara smirked as she bobbed her head over the princess’s groin.

  Mara’s lips were tight around the hard flesh, making Alexandra feel every little movement she made. The blonde would drive herself forward and take the cock deep into her mouth, swirling her tongue, and then she would lean back and stop just before she could release that hard flesh. Then she repeated the motion all over again.

  Alexandra became louder and louder throughout it, and Mara knew the princess wouldn’t last long.

  She couldn’t possibly have.

  Alexandra lurched forward, trying to sheathe herself inside of Mara’s mouth. A loud moan escaped from her as she felt the release she had been waiting for.

  With a final shudder, her cock jerked and then it exploded.

  Mara startled at the first taste of Alexandra’s seed, finding it sour and salty, but she held on and got used to the flavor, swallowing for as long as she could until the need to breathe forced her to part from the princess’s cock. When that happened, she grabbed the hard member and pointed it aside, stroking a couple of times and only stopping when the cock was spent.

  Alexandra shuddered one last time and had to move away from Mara. She only stopped when she leaned against the wall. She barely noticed as her transformation started to recede, her gaze lost on the other woman within the room.

  Mara smiled at first, but then fidgeted as the princess continued staring. Eventually she looked away, not quite knowing how to react to Alexandra.

  “What was that?” The princess questioned with a faint voice.

  Mara shrugged but didn’t meet Alexandra’s gaze, fearing she had overstepped her bounds.

  When she finally looked at the princess, she found the woman looking human once again. Seeing that no more questions came, Mara got to her feet, slowly, and then asked. “Can I leave?”

  Alexandra just looked at her, saw how Mara was fidgeting, and nodded, resisting the temptation to call the handmaiden back as Mara opened the door and left.

  When the other woman stepped out of sight, Alexandra let herself slide down the wall, her breath catching up in her throat.

  She had never been able to control herself as easily as she had that day, and she found it a little scary. Since the curse, everything always ended up going wrong somehow, and she feared what would happen when the other shoe dropped.

  And yet, there was a part of her that remembered the look of want and need in Mara’s face, the way her beautiful lips scrunched together when the woman started sucking her cock, and Alexandra couldn’t help but hope that maybe this time it would be different.

  Chapter 3

  Things changed between both women after that first day together.

  Mara started spending her free time with the princess, Alexandra showing herself a little more comfortable with her company. It wasn’t a quick process, but both enjoyed it, and they learned a lot about the other.

  Alexandra was surprised that Mara could read – none of her former handmaidens had possessed the ability – but then she realized that was not the only strange thing about the blonde.

  Mara knew how to play as well, she knew how to talk like a noble and had impeccable manners. Alexandra knew Mara was more than just a common criminal.

  She imagined the blonde could be some disgraced noble, or someone connected to treasonous behavior, but she doubted Guillermo would allow a traitor to discover her greatest weakness. Nonetheless, Alexandra was curious about Mara’s past.

  Mara wasn’t aware of the princess’s newly found curiosity, but she was happy the other woman decided to become more agreeable. She knew circumstances pushed them together and the princess didn’t enjoy it, but in those first few days Mara had found herself bored out of her mind.

  Now, at least, she could spend her days with someone of intellect, someone beautiful and kind underneath, someone not boring.

  It wasn’t all perfect however.

  Alexandra’s curse hung over their heads like a sword, making Mara behave skittishly, fearing what might happen should she provoke the princess once again. For the most part, though, they enjoyed each other’s company.

  After some time, Mara started considering Alexandra a friend, and she hoped the princess felt the same.

  The curse and its effects put some strain on their relationship, but Mara wasn’t too bothered by them, unlike Alexandra.

  The princess hated her lack of control, and that she was forced to give into her more animalistic instincts. It felt differently with Mara, she could direct her attentions better, and she could almost subdue her beast, but at the same time her transformations were more frequent.

  Where before she changed perhaps once a week, sometimes once every two weeks, now Alexandra found herself changing every three days. She never told Mara about her new schedule, letting her think it was normal.

  She didn’t know why Mara affected her so, or maybe she simply refused to accept it.

  Alexandra had never enjoyed any of the encounters with her past handmaidens. Her mind had always been too far out of it for her to feel anything resembling pleasure.

  With Mara it was different.

  The blonde would always reach out for her before she lost her mind, before the beast set in, and the first touch of her lips were enough to stall her transformation. Alexandra experienced pleasure like she had never felt before.

  She hid that information from her handmaiden, fearing letting someone else know they had such power over her.

  Slowly time went on.

  A month passed and then two, and not much changed between them.

  Mara missed her sister. She spoke about it with Alexandra and the princess replied in kind, speaking about her family, her life as a child – a time when she was happy and unconcerned with the future, with no worries to bear.

  They became friends and soon Mara realized that she felt something more than just affection for the princess, but held back from saying anything, knowing that way only pain lay.

  Yet she couldn’t stop herself from feeling more and more excited whenever Alexandra’s curse flared out.

  They hadn’t done more than what they had in their first time together. Whenever it was necessary, Mara would get to her knees and use her mouth to alleviate the princess’s need, but she found herself wanting more.

  One day, she decided to be a little more daring.

  When Alexandra looked at her in the morning, Mara knew the princess needed her, and that she only held back her beast by sheer stubbornness.

  So before the princess could resist in any way, Mara moved towards her and leaned in, crashing her lips against Alexandra’s.

  The princess’s eyes widened and then closed as she replied to the kiss, moving back against Mara. She didn’t quite know what to do – she had never kissed anyone before – so she let Mara take control of the situation, and simply enjoyed the way the other woman’s lips molded themselves to her mouth. How their tongues dueled with one another.

  When they parted, Alexandra felt some of that desire to change recede. “What are you doing?” She asked, and surprised herself at how rough her voice sounded.

  “Can’t you tell?” Mara asked with a smirk, then closed in again.

  The princess replied with fervor when she felt the need building up inside of her, although different from the usual – more controlled – making Alexandra momentarily believe that she would one day control her curse.

  Her change was slow and contained. She didn’t grow as much, and she was much more aware throughout it. Alexandra’s vision seemed to be better than usual, and she saw Mara swallow when their eyes met.

  Her handmaiden didn’t say anything though, and reached for the princess’s clothes and started slowly unfastening her dress, baring Alexandra’s skin.

  When the princess�
�s body was revealed, Mara hesitated. She kissed the other woman, but she didn’t know if she wanted to keep daring.

  Should she do as usual and simply use her mouth on the princess, or do what she wanted? Mara needed, desired, to feel Alexandra moving within her, to feel their bodies against one another while their sexes met again and again. Hold Alexandra as she shuddered, and whisper sweet nothings while the princess came inside of her.

  Putting her doubts aside, Mara leaned in and kissed Alexandra, feeling the princess kiss back.

  Alexandra put her hands on Mara’s shoulders, wanting to push her down, but the handmaiden surprised her with a refusal, and then pushed her away.

  “What…” Alexandra started, but then Mara pushed her again and she fell on top of her bed. Before she could say anything else, the blonde climbed atop of her and Alexandra realized Mara’s intentions.

  She blushed.

  Alexandra had done what Mara wanted with her other handmaidens, even if under the full control of her beast, but she found herself hesitant with the blonde. It broke their usual pattern and she was afraid of what that could unleash upon them.

  The princess wasn’t an idiot. She was aware she was falling for the blonde. It was hard not to. She was a prisoner in her own castle, and Mara her only company. Added to the fact that they were forced to have sex due to her curse and strange would be if some kind of feelings didn’t grow between them.

  It wasn’t even the first time for Alexandra.

  She had cared deeply for some of her handmaidens, even if they had feared her immensely. That fear always stopped her from acting on her desires.

  Mara didn’t look at her like that, on the contrary – the blonde seemed to care for her, and to Alexandra that meant everything. She didn’t want to put their relationship at risk, and was too afraid to mess it all up.

  The blonde wasn’t though.

  While Alexandra was lost in her thoughts, Mara leaned forward and climbed atop of her, sitting on top of the princess’s lap.

  Alexandra moaned.

  Mara smirked at the need in Alexandra’s eyes, and shifted her hips, rubbing herself against the hard flesh. She couldn’t, nor wanted, to deny her own desire – not when her pussy was as wet as it had ever been – but she wanted Alexandra to make the first move and say something.